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Time To See Zenyatta In Action For Overwatch

Time To See Zenyatta In Action For Overwatch


New gameplay footage for Overwatch has been released and this time it focuses on Overwatch’s robo-buddhist character named Zenyatta

Who wants to see some more Overwatch in action? Not only that but who wants to see some Overwatch gameplay that focuses on one specific character so you can get a better feel for how they will play? I’ll give a moment or two for all of those hardcore Blizzard fans to settle down and give others a chance to listen in. They will all also want to be able to see and hear Zenyatta in action for Overwatch. So let’s get ready to sit back and watch a full match through this character’s eyes.

Wait. Hold up. Spoiler here as I’ve already watched the new footage for Overwatch. You may want to turn the volume off unless you are completely down to hear the same four Buddhist phrases repeated every time Zenyatta makes an attack, uses a special attack, dies, or pretty much takes a step. Yea, this is something that will kill Overwatch for me if it isn’t fixed in the final version of the game. This is still early gameplay and I have faith that Blizzard is working to perfect Overwatch but this and the jerkiness of the gameplay takes all of those great character and world ideas and makes them un-playable. At least for me.

Don’t believe me? You can have a look now for yourself and see if I am blowing smoke for what you are about to see for Overwatch‘s Zenyatta. Maybe it is only this character but I have a feeling it really isn’t.

Overwatch — Zenyatta Gameplay

Well? What do you think about what you just saw for Overwatch? Was it just as jerky and annoying for you as it was for me? Are you willing to overlook the repetitive phrases and jerky/disorienting gameplay just because of who is making Overwatch? Am I way off on what I was talking about above? I really want to know what you think so we can discuss and maybe get a change of action going for the final Overwatch build. Or tell me to screw off. Either way fill in that comment section and keep an eye out for future Overwatch updates right here.


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