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Trepang² — SPAS-12 Shotgun

Trepang² — SPAS-12 Shotgun


Check out the new trailer for Trepang² that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure

Trepang² is a fast-paced, supernatural first-person shooter title for the PC coming from Trepang Studios and Team17 on June 21st, 2023.




Trepang² — SPAS-12 Shotgun

Learn about the SPAS-12 in this latest trailer for Trepang², an upcoming game featuring first-person gun-fu gunplay. In Trepang², step into the role of a newly enhanced super soldier on a mission of death, destruction, and revenge. Trepang² will be available on PC on June 21, 2023.

Trepang² features high-octane, first-person gun-fu gunplay and puts players in the shoes of a newly enhanced super soldier on a mission of death, destruction, and revenge.

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