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Twisted Tower Will Have You Climbing Some Deadly Heights For The Prize

Twisted Tower Will Have You Climbing Some Deadly Heights For The Prize

Twisted Tower

The announcement for Twisted Tower is here with Twisted Tower offering up a solid blend of two fun IPs into one

Here we go with two interesting IPs being used as an inspiration with the announcement for Twisted Tower. Two IPs that Atmos Games and 3D Realms are bringing to life in a dark and twisted way to give us a new video game that is housed inside of a game show. A very nice concept if I do say so myself…having worked on a title in a similar concept in the past. We are here to show off Twisted Tower, though, and how it will give us a PC experience that is a mix of BioShock and Willy Wonka out there. All of that teasing paid off and now I am sure you are just as intrigued by this mashup as I am after seeing what we have in this announcement.

You can dive into the new trailer here for Twisted Tower and see how it is using the two IPs oh so well below. If you might not know the basics, though, it looks like this whole title takes place in an altered 1920s with the same look and theme to things. A mysterious toymaker, Mr. Twisty, has sent out special tickets to the world that will have a select number of people come and compete in a “game show” that will have us surviving all manner of horrible toys out there. All to climb the Twisted Tower and win some massive money. Money that our protagonist is planning on using to win the love of another and secure a solid life out there during the depression and wars. Now you can see a bit more of the inspirations when you go in and see this new gameplay we have for the game. It looks like it will be a load of fun.

Twisted Tower — Announcement

Bioshock meets Willy Wonka. Climb the Twisted Tower game show! Every deadly floor has a variety of paths to choose, horrifying enemies to slaughter, and clues about your dark past. Can you get to the top and win the heart of the love of your life?

Tiny, an 18-year-old dork, is madly in love with Charlotte, his childhood sweetheart. Together they share a passion for the world-famous game show, The Twisted Tower, hosted by the billionaire toy maker, Mr. Twister.

Heartbroken by Charlotte’s engagement to the school bully, Preston, Tiny dreams of one day climbing to the top of the Twisted Tower, and asking Charlotte to marry him on live television.

Tiny is shocked to find a Velvet Ticket in a toy package, and aims to win $10,000,000, fame across the world, and ultimately, Charlotte’s hand in marriage.

But, as Tiny climbs the horrifying Twisted Tower, he discovers this gleeful tower is not what it seems…

  • Choose a variety of paths of the deadly tower.
  • Discover a haunting story of a teenage boy in 1922 seeking to prove his worth to the love of his life.
  • Avoid deadly traps, locked doors, and frightening enemies inspired by children’s shows, all at the command of a mysterious toy maker, Mr. Twister.
  • Impress your childhood crush as she watches the live broadcast to millions of fans in 1922.
  • Collect wads of cash and purchase weapon upgrades.
  • Explore a puzzling tower inspired by Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory & Bioshock.
  • Discover the century-old mysteries of the Twisted Tower, and your dark and twisted past.

As a massive fan of BioShock and the whole killer game show concept out there, I am insanely hyped for Twisted Tower. Even if it could be hard to imagine that there are millions of TV watchers during this era in history, I am willing to overlook that for the fun of the toys we will shoot and all of the weird landscapes we will have to navigate in the mix. I am not a huge fan of the main bit of the story with the protagonist’s reasons to enter the Twisted Tower, but that is looking through a lens of modern times and not the past. It will not sour me on everything else we have here for the game at all. Especially with how violent and dark the world looks like it is going to be and how curious it will be to see if we are going to get any special powers in the mix. That would round out things for one of the inspirations more than just visual after all.

How are you feeling about Twisted Tower after all of this? Do you think it is going to hit those other inspirations well and do you think we need special powers to round all of that out here? Will we have to overlook the character’s questionable motivations in the mix or is that just modern morales being placed on morales that are fitting for the era the game is being set in? Fight your way into the comments to discuss all of this and more out there. We are going to have close eyes on Twisted Tower moving forward, so please keep on checking in for those updates and many more as we see it all evolve. I know this is going to be a big one around the offices here.

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