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Two Characters Fully Revealed For Mortal Kombat X … & Goro

Two Characters Fully Revealed For Mortal Kombat X … & Goro

Mortal Kombat X

A new gameplay trailer for Mortal Kombat X shows off two characters, Kitana & Kung Lao, as well as a tease for the pre-order bonus

We all kind of knew that Kung Lao was coming to Mortal Kombat X when early shots from a gaming magazine hit the web at the beginning of this year. Now we have a new gameplay trailer and we get to see not only Kung Lao in action but the return of Kitana in this next iteration of the franchise. She is another character that I figured would be gracing us again in Mortal Kombat X but now we have the official showing as well as the ability to see her in action. That includes at least a small look at one of her new fatalities for Mortal Kombat X. This is going to be one brutal game just from how each time it looks like NetherRealm is topping the last.

I won’t hold you back any longer from watching the new Mortal Kombat X footage. Enjoy as I am sure that you will.

Mortal Kombat X — Gameplay Trailer

So on top of showing off Kitana and Kung Lao in action we also got a nice little look at Goro breathing heavy for Mortal Kombat X. It’s not a shocker that he was going to be in the game as his pre-order bonus addition was known for a while now. It’s just nice to see the, hopefully, character model somewhat in action. I would have loved to see him in full swing but seeing as the kombat styles for Kung Lao and Kitana weren’t even touched upon here I’m guessing we will be seeing the sweet action a little bit further down the road. At least if NetherRealm doesn’t want to leave any character surprises for launch.

This of course leaves us wondering, as the marketing campaign states, “Who’s Next?” to be announced for Mortal Kombat X. Liu Kang should most likely be obvious although maybe a grizzled older version. Cyrax and Sektor would be easy additions as usual; especially given the time difference between Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X. They would make the jump with little difficulty of explanation. Who would you think though? Or who would you want to grace Mortal Kombat X? Leave your thoughts below as we wait to get full kombat trailers for the two characters here and wait for “Who’s Next?”

Mortal Kombat X

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