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Two More Characters Are Dropping Into The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Two More Characters Are Dropping Into The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Texas is getting a little bigger with two more characters coming to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre soon

Those looking to have the Slaughter Family expand a bit more in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre need only wait a little longer for that to happen. Not only is the family to expand, but it also looks like Sumo Nottingham is going to be expanding the property and the victim list too on November 28th. All by adding in Nancy and Danny to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Two new characters and a full map, now that is something to be thankful for after the big binge-eating holiday the U.S. is about to shut down for. It does mean that things are always bigger in Texas now. Gods… I hate that I wrote that…

The new killer for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is Nancy who has very little to be known about. Well, outside of Nancy sounding like a bit of a “Black Widow” and many of her husbands dying over the years. Then we have Danny, the new Victim, who is on a missing to find his missing girlfriend. That is why he is in Newt, Texas and knocking on doors at least. Unfortunately, the last door he knocked on was Nancy’s which is now part of the growing map and seems like it would be the true front of the rest of the property out there. That is how the latest trailer we have for this DLC makes it look. If that is the case, we will only need to wait until next week to see how it all plays out. For now, just be glad that we have something on the way to keep this title growing even more.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre — Nancy & Danny

Gun Interactive and Sumo Nottingham are thrilled to bring two new characters to the roster of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Nancy & Danny. To coincide with their release, a new map will also be debuted, and each new character will have their own unique ability and set of perks.

Nancy is the newest addition to the notorious Slaughter Family. While much isn’t known about her, her past three husbands have all died mysterious deaths or vanished completely. Through incredibly awful circumstances, Nancy is also a makeshift mother to Johnny Slaughter, showcasing how monsters have their own makers. Players will also be able to learn more about Nancy as they play through the newest map, Nancy’s House.

Danny is the newest victim to join the roster. He may seem rough around the edges but he is an incredibly intelligent and caring person. Danny and Maria have a deep connection and he embarks on his own journey to find her. Heading off to Newt, Texas, players will be able to experience a character that could be crucial to his and his friends’ survival.

Nancy and Danny will be available on November 28th, 2023.

While it is nice to get some new characters to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, it feels odd that we are not seeing some of the other bigger characters we have from the films. Granted, that could all be down to licensing or trying to get the actors to come back in to grace the fans with what they want. I know that Chop Top would not be the same without Bill Moseley doing the voice. It is either all of that, though, or the fact that there have been so many other forgettable characters in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre IP that it could just be easier to make up new ones that will better fit. It is most likely a combination of all of that so we get some iconic and then some that better fit the video game than something like the latest films tried to do. That is my opinion and I could be vastly off, though.

How do you feel about these new characters coming to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and do you like the newer feel to them? Do you think that Nancy’s house will be the main entrance to the property or is that just to make the trailer shot flow perfectly into the gore? What bonuses do you think each will have in the game or will it all be some deviation of what the others already have? Cut your way into the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else we have to share. When more for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is out there, we will share it all with you here. Please keep on checking in for all of those updates and the many others we have to share along the way.

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