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Umbrella Corps Adds Multi Missions To The List Of Modes

Umbrella Corps Adds Multi Missions To The List Of Modes

Umbrella Corps

A new gameplay mode for Umbrella Corps has been shown off and it adds a bit of extra randomness to the Umbrella Corps mix

Another new mode for Umbrella Corps has been unveiled and from the sounds of it this could be seen as multiple new modes. In fact it is called the ‘Multi Mission’ mode and it is the second major mode that Capcom has unveiled for us all for the game. Only more to come before Umbrella Corps launches in May for the PS4 and PC. But let us focus on this new mode that now joins the ‘One Life Mode’ already announced.

Just like the other mode ‘Multi Mission’ mode will be another 6 player 3 of 5 matches where teams will fight each other in 3 minute long rounds. The big difference here is that this mode will randomly select one of eight different rule-sets that teams will have to alter their play to handle. In one round each team may only have one target to attack and defend and in another you may need to just find and camp where the enemies are respawning. Looks like a great game of ‘camping’ is coming to Umbrella Corps now.

Of course there are the traditional ‘kill confirmed’ style rules as well as a ‘Domination’ rule but seeing as one round could have the traditional play followed up by something well out of the comfort zone of players it looks like Umbrella Corps teams will need to train. Of course this will only be an issue for the first week or so until everyone gets the swing of things but I get the concept that Capcom is trying here and I like the varied gameplay for the arena shooter this is.

Umbrella Corps — Multi Mission Mode

Here’s a full list of rule-sets coming to the ‘Multi Missions’ mode for Umbrella Corps.

  • Target Hunter — One target will be chosen per team and only killing that target will count towards the score. You can choose whether to focus on protecting your own target or aggressively attacking the enemy target.
  • Respawn Match — Team deathmatch featuring respawns. Take advantage of the on-screen sound radar map to locate the enemies’ random respawn points.
  • Domination — Secure the specified data transmission point located within the stage for a longer time than the enemy team in order to win.
  • DNA Hunter — Kill zombies and collect their DNA samples. Destroying the opposing team’s Zombie Jammers is a key strategy in this mode.
  • SP DNA Hunter — Kill the special mutated zombies and collect their DNA samples. They are particularly tough and immune to the effects of the Zombie Jammer. It’ll take teamwork to bring these creatures down.
  • Collector — Teams battle it out to see who will be first to collect all 5 briefcases in the stage.
  • Protector — Find the briefcase and hold it for as long as possible, while fending off the opposition. The player who has it will become a moving target, so teams must work together effectively.
  • Collar War — Collect the battle data “collars” of downed enemy players, and pick up allies’ collars to prevent the enemy team from getting points.

Which of the rule-sets do you think will be the most fun in Umbrella Corps? Do you think this will be a new mode that will take off well or left on the sidelines as players will gravitate to the traditional modes CoD has us stuck in? What other rule-set can you think of adding into the mix to give greater ‘randomness’? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As Capcom frees up more information on Umbrella Corps and their other titles we will have that here. Be sure to stay glued to the site to not miss out.

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