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Umbrella Corps Is Going To Take Us Back To Kijuju In A Way

Umbrella Corps Is Going To Take Us Back To Kijuju In A Way

Umbrella Corps

Another area of Umbrella Corps has been shown off and just as was teased last time Umbrella Corps is getting the Kijuju map from Resident Evil 5 added

It was teased during the last update for Umbrella Corps and now we are officially heading back to Kijuju when the game land in May. Not the most shocking of updates as Capcom did tease us with it but now we get to see a few new screenshots for the map in action for Umbrella Corps. Looks like we will now have more Resident Evil 5 on our PS4, Xbox One, or PCs here soon. Now we just have to sit back and wait to see if Umbrella Corps is going to get any other new maps that have yet to be seen in the RE franchise to date.

Outside of the following images though there isn’t much more to update on Umbrella Corps. It is worth noting here though that Kijuju is one of the largest maps in the game and it is filled with many open areas and a whole lot of underground passages to keep the action flowing and interesting throughout the match. Also, just like the other themed maps, Kijuju will also show off the Majini in Umbrella Corps who will be just as deadly as they were in RE5. Hopefully we will see some of those giants and chainsaw wielding maniacs in the mix as well.

While not my favorite of the RE games in the franchise I am glad to see it shown off in Umbrella Corps. There are aspect of that game I would like to see make the jump as well but I am pretty sure that Capcom won’t be doing that as they wouldn’t truly fit the new game. We could be pleasantly surprised when Umbrella Corps finally lands but I won’t be holding my breath at all for it. My wants would completely change the core idea of what this game is all about and hopefully will just be in a Resident Evil 7 title if that ever comes.

What do you think about Kijuju in Umbrella Corps here? Was this one of the areas you were hoping would make the jump from the past into this game? What other areas and creatures would you like to see in the mix for Umbrella Corps? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. As Capcom gives us more news and updates for Umbrella Corps we will pass them right along to you. Be sure to keep checking into the site and stay right there so you can be on top of it as we are.

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