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Uncharted Drops Its First Trailer To Link Into The Games

Uncharted Drops Its First Trailer To Link Into The Games

The Uncharted film has its first official trailer out there now for us to see the various Uncharted titles linked in

It is finally here for us all with the official trailer for the upcoming Uncharted film that we all knew was coming. This is the one that Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg will be in to portray Naughty Dog‘s Nathan Drake and Sully respectively. We can now see what we will have in store for us on February 18th when Uncharted will be hitting all of the theaters that are still open out there. Do not expect to see it hit any of the digital services that Sony has out there for a while now. Not the way I know I would hope for it to go, but nonetheless, we are here to see if we should be excited or not for this big-screen adaptation to the beloved IP gamers have.

As you can see below, it does look like it follows a bit of the story that has been told over various Uncharted titles we have experienced out there before. It does look like it is lifting more from the more recent and third title out there more than anything, but those are the ones that are in my mind given how recent they are. It is also a short trailer and not the full Uncharted film, so that is pure conjecture at this point. Have a look at it all just a bit lower to see if you will be excited or let down by everything that we could be getting here. I know I am excited about it all and to see how it could lead the studios to bring us all more of our favorite IPs out there to the big or small screen too.

Uncharted — Trailer

Fortune favors the bold. Watch the official trailer for Uncharted, starring Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg, exclusively in movie theaters February 18.

Based on one of the best-selling, most critically acclaimed video game series of all time, Uncharted introduces audiences to the young street-smart Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) and showcases his first treasure hunting adventure with wisecracking partner Victor “Sully” Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg). In an action-adventure epic that spans the globe, the two go in dangerous pursuit of “the greatest treasure never found” while also tracking clues that may lead to Nathan’s long-lost brother.

Are you excited to see Uncharted adapted for the big screen or will it be like the other video game films we have had over the years? Does it feel like they are mashing the full line of games into one film or will it be something that is completely separate beyond the names and basics? Does it feel like a normal action film to you more than anything and you will need to see more to get fully excited for it? Give us all of those answers and more down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. We will keep sharing all that we can for the Uncharted film here as we can. Please keep checking back in for all of that and much, much more as we head on into the future for all of this.

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