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Uncover The Truth In The City Of Immortals With Nobody Wants To Die

Uncover The Truth In The City Of Immortals With Nobody Wants To Die

Nobody Wants To Die

The launch of Nobody Wants To Die is here and we can finally see why Nobody Wants To Die in the futuristic New York City of the game

It is time to launch into what it is to be an immortal with Nobody Wants To Die. That is, the launch of the game is finally here and we can all jump on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC to check out just what Critical Hit Games and PLAION have put together for this one. A full new experience that takes us into the future where humanity has seemed to cure mortality, hence the immortal part of things, but we still have all of that neo-noir drama that Nobody Wants To Die has drummed up for us before now. As long as you are ready to take on the case and uncover many new clues to find a killer making many out there no longer immortal. That will be an issue for all time even if we solve that pesky aging thing.

If you have been off the mark for Nobody Wants To Die, this is a new investigation game that places you in the year 2329 as a detective in the Mortality Department of New York. As mentioned, immortality is possible, for a price, and this story highlights some of that while also taking us on an off-the-books investigation. One where our special augments of time manipulation will be able to reconstruct some of the scenes and figure out the horrifying truths behind some grisly murders out there. All with Nobody Wants To Die giving some realistic-looking visuals to go along with a deep story that will dabble in the dangers and wonders of all of this new technology. Have a look at the trailer to get another idea of what you can be playing as right now, since the game has fully launched out there. It looks to be like another fun cyberpunk-style title with some other familiar elements mixed right in for the genre.

Nobody Wants To Die — Launch Trailer

Nobody Wants To Die is an innovative experience taking place in futuristic New York City, inspired by neo-noir films, offering a distinctly visual aesthetic and intriguing plot. Playing as Detective James Karra you investigate crime scenes using time manipulation and advanced technology to uncover clues to unmask a killer in an era where death is a thing of the past and explore the dangers of transhumanism.

Lose yourself in the world of New York, 2329, where immortality is possible — for a price. Following a near-death experience, Detective James Karra takes an off-the-books case from his chief. With only the help of a young police liaison, Sara Kai, to assist him. Time reveals all as they risk everything in pursuit of a killer, uncovering the dark secrets of the city’s elite.

Utilizing the power of Unreal Engine 5, Polish studio Critical Hit Games have pushed the boundaries of storytelling, combining realistic cinema graphics and a distinctly unique narrative experience to deliver a non-stop, immersive story to the player in their inaugural creation.

Lose yourself in the world of New York, 2329, where immortality is possible — for a price. Following a near-death experience, Detective James Karra takes an off-the-books case from his chief. With only the help of a young police liaison, Sara Kai, to assist him. Time reveals all as they risk everything in pursuit of a killer, uncovering the dark secrets of the city’s elite.


  • Welcome To New York, 2329: Experience a noir adventure in an alternate future of New York City in 2329; technology has advanced to offer humans eternal life, allowing consciousness to be stored in memory banks or transferred from one body to another. That is, if you can afford the subscription.
  • Lead The Investigation: See through the eyes of Mortality Department Detective James Karra on his hunt for a serial killer who targets the city’s elite citizens. Investigate crime scenes using his time manipulation augmentation and advanced technology to reconstruct events leading up to each murder and uncover clues that lead to the horrifying truth behind the murders.
  • Noir Immersion: Lose yourself in a dystopian future through this meaningful and original interactive detective story, that explores the dangers of transhumanism and immortality. In a world of eternal life and vanishing morality, you, a hardened detective, must navigate the lines of right and wrong in a society where death is a distant memory.
  • A Stunning Narrative Adventure: Utilising the power of Unreal Engine 5, Nobody Wants To Die pushes the boundaries of storytelling, combining photorealistic graphics and a distinctly unique narrative experience.

Nobody Wants To Die is launching in 2024 on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam.

Are you going to be jumping into Nobody Wants To Die or will you wait to see how things shake out for this one first? Do you think we are going to see more of a class fight in the story or will it just be a random crazy person killing people for their own wants and needs? Would you truly want to live forever or should you have a time where you call it quits? Head on down to the comments to discuss all of this and everything else we have for the game. If we come across more for Nobody Wants To Die, we will certainly share it all here with you. Please come on back to see and hear all of that when it comes. Or just stick around to see all of the other fun we have coming up on the site. You will not be let down by any of it.

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