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Unleash Some Hell Soon With The Release For Hellslave

Unleash Some Hell Soon With The Release For Hellslave


The release date for Hellslave is now set down with Hellslave hitting us all in a very short time

Hell is about to hit the world in a new way with the release for Hellslave on the PC. This is a title that we have had our eye on for a while now with Ars Goetia and PID Games only giving us so much to take in for it all. It looks like we will not have to wait too much longer to see just what they all have ready for us, and not just in the way of new gameplay video to look at. We get to know now that Hellslave will be ready for us all to dive into and kill even more demons out there on May 26th. Yes, just a few more weeks until we can add in one more title to the line of games that will have us killing all forms of evil out there for the betterment of humanity.

If you have missed out before for Hellslave, we have a little bit of new gameplay to look at to get you ready to dive into the point and click style title. A title that will take us into a world where humans are about to go the way of the dodo and we have to save it all for the end. The way that is going to be done is to make our own pact with the Devil and use the powers acquired to help end the reign out there. It does not make the most sense for the Devil to do that if his goal was to end humanity, but maybe Hellslave will offer us a new take on the being and why some of the evils out there are being done. Thankfully, we only have a few more weeks to wait to see that all come to light.

Hellslave — Release Date

The world is coming to an end on May 26th! And humanity is on the brink of extinction. Save it from a demon invasion by making a pact with the Devil and praise one of 6 demons to avoid humanity’s demise into darkness. Use your newly acquired demonic power against the invaders but it may have a bigger impact on you than you thought…

Are you ready to get in on Hellslave or did you forget all about the game up to now? Do you think the game will flow just as well as the videos make it look or will this be a tired game style that many will skip on? Why would the Devil offer up power to someone specifically to stop his underlings? Let us all know your thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. More for Hellslave, should be on the way here and we will share it all as if comes. All you need to do is keep a close eye on the site to see and hear all of that as we head toward that final release date.

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