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Vampyr Will Stalk The Darkness A Bit More As It Is Delayed

Vampyr Will Stalk The Darkness A Bit More As It Is Delayed


It looks like Vampyr has been given a delay due to a technical issue and now we can look for Vampyr to come to us sometime in Spring of 2018

Mark another title down for delay as Vampyr has been struck with just that and will be missing it release date that was supposed to be this year. There was never a specific date set down, but it looks like DontNod ran into an issue to the point that they had to push the release off to Spring of 2018. Another ambiguous date thrown out there for Vampyr, but it looks like we may have to wait as long as April of 2018 to finally see the game see the light of day on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. I guess we can all focus on the fact that it has not been hit with a cancellation and just hope for the best.

As always, details are a bit sparse on why Vampyr was delayed. There is mention that the team hit a serious technical issue with the game and was forced to delay it even though they have already fixed it. I am going to guess that they need to go through not only the further testing of Vampyr, but also all of the console certification stuff, which is why it is being delayed for so long. At least it will give them time to “polish” more of it all and try to bring us a better game in the end. Although the polish part just seems to be the usual excuse for game delays and what they want us to focus on instead of the technical issue.

Message from DontNod

Delaying the release of a project you hold dear is always a tough decision. However, we believe that meeting a deadline should never compromise quality. We were still convinced just a few weeks ago that we would be able to release Vampyr this year. Unfortunately, a technical issue – now solved – has set our teams’ schedule back at the end of the development.

This delay allows us enough time for all the polishing and balancing phase, much needed for a game of Vampyr‘s scope, with its ambitious, semi-open world, its complex narrative and deep RPG mechanics that give players a real impact on the world.

We want to thank our publisher Focus Home Interactive for giving us the means and time necessary to provide players a memorable experience… especially since so many of you are eagerly waiting for it.

Vampyr — E3 Trailer

Are you saddened by the delay of Vampyr or is it just a minor hurdle for you as there was no solid date set as of yet? Do you think that there will be more “polish” placed on the game or is it just a nice thing to say and focus on instead of the bigger issue? DO you think this will ultimately help the sales of the game, as it will be releasing during a time when there are fewer larger titles? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Vampyr as we get it, be sure to be right here. We will have it all and you will not want to miss out at all.

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