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Virtually Visit The Frontier, Cities, And Towns Of Red Dead Redemption 2

Virtually Visit The Frontier, Cities, And Towns Of Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

New images for Red Dead Redemption 2 are here to give us a look and feel for the many different locations we will visit in Red Dead Redemption 2

October 26th seems so far away right now, but thankfully for those looking out for Red Dead Redemption 2, we have a new look at some of the locations we will get to explore in the game. All in a nice little postcard style of images from Rockstar Games to try and highlight some of the varying lands in the game. It would get a bit boring if all we had was old, rustic towns in the middle of a desertscape to shoot our way through. Even though Red Dead Redemption 2 does not look to be set in the true “wild west” we all know from other popular mediums. Some of which no longer truly hold up. Thus is life for now.

With each of these locations in Red Dead Redemption 2, we also have a very small blurb as to a few specific characters who lay claim to the land or will at least be seen there. Nothing too major to take in as we all wait just a bit longer, but it is something. Just be glad that we do not have to wait a whole other year to finally get to explore this world. Only a few more weeks and maybe we will get some more footage for Red Dead Redemption 2 to dig into and get ready for. For now, have a look at these new images and see what may be in store for us all.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — The Heartlands, NH

Red Dead Redemption 2 — The Heartlands, NH

A raucous, rough-and-tumble town in the Heartlands, Valentine’s livestock auctions attract traders, ranchers, cowboys, gamblers, outlaws and prostitutes from far and wide, all looking to make some money, raise some hell, and have a good time.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Roanoke Ridge, NH

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Roanoke Ridge, NH

Life isn’t easy for the miners and their families in Annesburg, which has been providing coal up and down the Lannahechee River for almost a century. Working conditions are terrible for little pay, and many men have lost their lives down the pit.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Bayou NWA, LE

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Bayou NWA, LE

A key gateway into North America with a trade route that runs the length of the country, the bustling city of Saint Denis is a melting pot of cultures and people where businessmen, socialites, sailors, laborers, beggars and thieves all live side by side.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Grizzlies, AM

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Grizzlies, AM

One of the more well-known peaks in the snowy Grizzlies of Ambarino, Mount Hagen towers above Lake Isabella to the west and Beartooth Beck to the east, which provides the main pass through the western mountain range and joins up with the Dakota River further south.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Scarlett Meadows, LE

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Scarlett Meadows, LE

Prim and proper on the surface, tensions and corruption run deep in the Southern town of Rhodes, which for years has been caught in the crossfire between the Braithwaites and the Grays, two warring plantation families.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Big Valley, WE

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Big Valley, WE

Strawberry was little more than a small logging town until the arrival of its new mayor, an East Coast eccentric, who is obsessed with transforming it into a cultural beacon for wealthy tourists, much to the bemusement of the locals.

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Bayou NWA, LE

Red Dead Redemption 2 — Bayou NWA, LE

A small, remote settlement out in the swamps of Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne, the people of Lagras live self-sufficiently for the most part, making a little money here and there from fishing and acting as guides for travelers wishing to navigate the region.

How are you feeling about these locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 based on what we have to see? Does it truly give you a great picture to work with or will you need more to get the true feel for the lands? Do you think we will get a solid fly-by for these locations before launch or will we just get the teases we have been working with thus far? Let us know what you think and hope down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we dig up more for Red Dead Redemption 2, we will get it all here for you. Just be sure to keep checking back in for it all so you do not miss out on a single thing.

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