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Visit The Pripyat Center In The Latest Update For Chernobylite

Visit The Pripyat Center In The Latest Update For Chernobylite


A new update for Chernobylite is here to show off a new location in Chernobylite we will get to explore and feel more fear within

If you are looking for more to experience in Chernobylite, then you may want to update and dive back into the Early Access again. You might not need the reminder if you have been in on it all with The Farm 51 from the start of it all. This is for those out there that may not have been keeping up with it all before now or are just looking into getting into the horror of Chernobylite over on the PC. It is how you have to do it if you cannot wait for the game to hit the PS4 and Xbox One later. You should know how this all rolls at this point.

As you will see below, this new “Mega Patch” for Chernobylite is out there and taking us to new places in the game’s world. Here is the Pripyat Center and the amusement park that is in the area of Chernobyl the incident took place around. It also looks like there is going to be a bit more of a darker story mixed into it all here in Chernobylite with it too. All of which is just a good sign for the game development in general and it does look like it is progressing rather well. Have a look at what is out there now and see if you will be joining in now or waiting for the final build of it all.

Chernobylite — Visit Pripyat Center In The “Web of lies” Mega Patch

“Web of lies” is our fourth Mega Patch, which introduces Pripyat Center to Chernobylite (including Lenin Square and amusement park). With this Mega Patch, we reached halfway milestone for our Early Access production timeline!

Do you think this is all a great sign for Chernobylite and that we will see more big locations added in soon? How dark do you think things are going to get in the game here based on this and will it bring the big horror we all expect here? When do you think it will be finalized and out there for all of the platforms in a final form? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on Chernobylite, keep coming back here. We will keep updating you as fast as we can over here.

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