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Walk Down More Of The Creepy Halls Of MADiSON

Walk Down More Of The Creepy Halls Of MADiSON


One more trailer for MADiSON is here to haunt our dreams and make us wonder what is going on in the world of MADiSON before it drops

If you were hoping for something creepy to come out of gamescom this year, then you need not look further than the most recent trailer we have for MADiSON. Not that Nosebleed Games has not given us all of that kind of stuff before now, but now it is back with one more deep dive into the world we are getting. A world that we are going to have to wait a bit longer for to hit the PC with the release date still in limbo. Good things do come to those that wait and with each new video for MADiSON it feels that is what is coming. For now, we can take a slow walk down more of the horrible hallways we know we will be getting to know a lot deeper than we could have expected. Get those headphones on and crank it up so you can get the full effect here.

Okay, that might be a little mean for me to do, as this trailer for MADiSON does offer up some of the frights that the game will have and the audio plays into it a bit. It, sadly, does not give us much more to expect in the gameplay besides a lot of walking and developing photos along the way. The latter being something that feels like it will naturally play out in MADiSON as we need it. There are all the same creepy Christian Mythology elements in here that do drive the masses wild. have a look and see if it will be a title that will haunt your dreams or have you skipping on past until the next horror title rolls up on us all.

MADiSON — Gamescom Trailer

MADiSON is a first-person psychological horror game developed by Nosebleed Games, TBA 2021.

What would you do if you woke up locked in a dark room, with your hands covered in blood? Play as Luca, and endure the brute torture of MADiSON, a demon that has forced him to continue a gory ritual started decades ago, making him commit abominable acts. Will you be able to finish this sinister ceremony?

Are you still needing more for MADiSON to figure out if you are going to give it a play? Do you think we will get to do more than walk through these halls trying to figure out how we got here, or will that be all we have here? Could the photos play more into it all than we think or will they just be there to help give the story a push along the road? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking about all of this and then feel free to discuss it all. We will have more for MADiSON, I am sure, and when that happens, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep an eye on the site for all of that and much more as time marches forward.

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