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Walk The Path Of Madness While Investigating In Call Of Cthulhu

Walk The Path Of Madness While Investigating In Call Of Cthulhu

Call Of Cthulhu

New gameplay for Call Of Cthulhu is here from Gamescom and this time it highlights more of the investigation gameplay we will experience in Call Of Cthulhu

I hope you are ready for some solid investigation action in Call Of Cthulhu, because that is a good portion of the game. This should not be a huge surprise to anyone who has played the tabletop game or seen anything Cyanide Studios has teased for the game so far. It has not been a huge secret. It has not been a huge focus in many of the gameplay videos we have had for Call Of Cthulhu and it looks like Focus Home Interactive has opted to let that door fly even further open by giving us yet another look at it all. Good thing too as October 30th is rapidly approaching I know I was not the only one on the lookout for more of this mechanic we will need to use in the game.

As we could have assumed, in Call Of Cthulhu it will function like we have seen in other games where the protagonist will be able to focus in on certain items and clues around the area. Not with any supernatural style of ability, he is just really good at his job and this is how it takes form for us to see. From there, we will be able to collect clues, hints, and evidence to try to rebuild events that transpired in the area and thus gain more information. As it was explained during E3, this information could be completely accurate or false based on our personal view of how things link up. In true Call Of Cthulhu manner, the protagonist is being influenced by an outside force then.

Also in true Call Of Cthulhu form, as we expand our knowledge and understanding, we also lose part of our sanity. While finding all of the clues may open up other options in the game along the way, we will run the risk of going mad a lot sooner than we may have wanted. A nice little twist placed in there by Cyanide Studios to show that ignorance can be bliss in some instances. Given that we can complete Call Of Cthulhu with some of the character’s sanity still intact, I am guessing this will be part of the tightrope we will have to walk in the game. I am just curious to see how they will combat the “metagame” when players can find solutions online and “guess” results or tidbits they should not be able to.

Call Of Cthulhu — Gameplay Trailer

In Call Of Cthulhu, feel the influence of Lovecraftian Old Gods and other cosmic horrors, as you delve into the circumstances behind the tragic deaths of the Hawkins family. Helped and hindered by the mysterious locals of Darkwater Island, your journey cuts the line between sanity and madness as the hunt for truth brings Pierce ever closer to the Great Dreamer.

This gameplay trailer takes place during the early stages of Pierce’s investigation, though the influence of the Great Old Ones is already creeping into effect. To uncover the truth, players must unearth clues, interrogate locals, solve crime scenes, and overcome dangers both physical and mental.

What are your thoughts on this investigation gameplay we have here for Call Of Cthulhu? Does it fit what you were expecting in the game or is it something far beyond that and will cause you to rethink how you play? Will we be able to go completely mad from the onset by finding all of the clues or will there be something to slow that down so we can fully experience the game? Let us know what you are thinking and expand your knowledge of things down in the comments. If we have more to share for Call Of Cthulhu, you know we will do it here on the site. Just be sure to keep checking back in to see and hear it all in due time.

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