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Wander About The House In The Latest For MADiSON

Wander About The House In The Latest For MADiSON


New gameplay for MADiSON is here to take us for a walk as we will be stalked by demons in MADiSON

There is a little more gameplay out there for MADiSON as some of the other outlets out there are given a chance to experience the game before it hits the PC in 2022. I know I would rather experience what Nosebleed Games wants to show us, but I will take what I can to see how this psychological horror title is shaping up. More so when you see that MADiSON is taking all the inspiration from many games that have haunted our dreams and thoughts for a while now. You can easily see what titles and experiences have been guiding this on along when you have a look at it all. It could work out for the best to take the great parts and ignore the rest.

Here we go with twelve minutes of gameplay for MADiSON here that takes us for a stroll through a creepy house. A house that was once owned by Luca’s grandfather and used by Luca’s father to research a serial killer. Unfortunately, there seems to be something darker wandering about and we need to search the house for weird keys and take pictures of the entities wandering about the house too. I think we get to see at least twelve different video games mixed in here for MADiSON in just this short-ish clip. Have a look and see if you can pick out all of those other games that have been placed in here to see if it makes any more sense along the way. That is not to say that it does not look like it could be a load of fun. Sometimes it is just the human behind the controls that can make or break something like this.

MADiSON — 12 Minutes Of Gameplay

Watch the first 12 minutes of creepy horror game, MADiSON. Here’s some MADiSON gameplay to show you the game in action. In this first-person psychological horror game, you’ll need to endure the torture of a terrifying demon called MADiSON. Playing as Luca, you’ll uncover a disturbing story as you’re forced to continue a sinister ritual started decades prior. Explore your surroundings, take photos, and solve puzzles as you venture deeper into the nightmare.

MADiSON will release on PC in 2022.

Does it feel like MADiSON is just a mash-up of various other titles out there or will it be able to stand on its own out there? Will it improve on some of the tropes we have had before or will it just be many different homages along the way? What purpose do you think the pictures will have here and will it be more than just lighting up the way? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to. We will keep checking what we can for MADiSON, so please keep checking back for all of that and much, much more. Maybe we will have some of our own gameplay to share if we are lucky.

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