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Want More Info On Guitar Hero Live? Of Course You Do

Want More Info On Guitar Hero Live? Of Course You Do

Guitar Hero Live

Activision and FreeStyleGames have released the entire Guitar Hero Live press announcement for all of our viewing pleasure

Did you feel like there should have been more to the Guitar Hero Live announcement earlier this week? I know I should felt like there should have been a bit more. Especially since some of the other “buy-able” outlets were already talking about their impressions on having played with the new guitar controller for the game. Well as many of these big publishers do, Activision held a rather sizable event to show off Guitar Hero Live to the press before the official announcement to get them all prepped. Now, that presentation is out and available for us all to view and pretend to be a member of the press pretending to be rock stars with Guitar Hero Live.

If you have a spare 35 minutes or so, just below is that full Guitar Hero Live event now for the public. There is a bit of gameplay for the game mixed into the normal hype that goes on at these events, so do be warned and a little excited to see what FreeStyleGames has built for us all. If only they would have filmed the whole thing in first person mode from the audience while said person would occasionally look at the person next to them or their phone to jot down some notes. You know, to give us all that real feeling of being in the audience as Guitar Hero Live was being sold to us and explained why it’s all pushing forward and ignoring the past of the franchise.

I’ll let you have at it and see what Guitar Hero Live is really all about as I think this is what we will have until E3 rolls around and we get to explain to you all about our own first person experiences with the game in a nice little closed booth. That’s how these things usually go after all.

Guitar Hero Live — Global Reveal

So does this sell you more or less on Guitar Hero Live now? Are you still waiting to see more to make a final decision? If I were to record myself playing Guitar Hero Live in first person at an event would you watch so you could get an understanding of what it is like to be a member of the press playing a game to make you feel like a rock star? Let us know down in the comments and I may get a Go Pro just for this E3…

Guitar Hero Live

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