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War Is Going To Be Triggered Everywhere In For Honor

War Is Going To Be Triggered Everywhere In For Honor

For Honor

A new story trailer is out showing off For Honor’s big picture as well as three new hero types coming to For Honor to keep the battles raging on

War is going to be everywhere in For Honor and if you didn’t know this already then here is your reminder as that is pretty much the core of the gameplay here. If you didn’t know that already then it looks like Ubisoft isn’t doing their job of getting that word out there and we have failed as well. Well, up until now if any of that rings true as the latest story trailer has been released and shows just what For Honor is going to have us be doing in the game. Or at least what our avatars will be doing as we drive them through the campaign mode or heading on into the multiplayer mode. None the less, you will be getting more war than you can most likely handle here on February 14th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. That is unless you are some sick human being who needs more than what we have here.

As it looks, in For Honor there are a few people who feel like their honor has been besmirched with all of this crazy peace going on around the world. The knights are doing the bidding of the King and Queen which keeps them in reserve. The samurai are beholden to their emperor who wants nothing more than peace. The viking clans have all come together to have a family like bond now. That can’t be and some assholes are here to make sure that peace is gone for good. That and we wouldn’t have a fun game in For Honor if we were playing each role as a peace-loving being that has put their weapons down and chose to just live. You know, because why on Earth would humans want to do that? None the less, that looks to be the overall story we are going to get here in For Honor based on the following trailer.

For Honor — The Warlord Apollyon

Story is good and all, especially for people like me who pick up Ubisoft titles for that aspect, but I know you are asking in your head about the multiplayer aspect in For Honor. Well, it looks like we will get a taste for that here in January for those lucky to get into the beta. What we do know though is that we will get to jump into the fight with one of twelve different heroes, four for each faction in For Honor, and join an ongoing fight. Yep, it will all be continuous and never-ending even when you log off. It also looks like the platform war has been removed too as all of the stats and actions will cross between it all. Now you can see which faction fights better and on which system too. All for glory and honor. Woot!

Of course there is more to the multiplayer battles in For Honor than just that. We will be earning War Assets in the battles here that can be used to help players conquer and defend territories in the game’s world. I’m going to guess that this is what will be truly on the line in the persistent nature of For Honor‘s multiplayer and not your own toon and such. War isn’t just about people fighting after all; it is about who has more stuff and more power no matter how things are going to be spun in the end of it all. The winners write history after all…

To go right along with all of this, as it was mentioned we will have twelve different heroes to play with and here we have three more to add to the list. Two of them are heavy hitters and one is of the assassin breed. Leave it to Ubisoft to get another assassin mixed into their games right? None the less, you can read about them and see them in action just below. Each really do look like a great addition to each faction and also some of the new weapons and tactics they bring are truly over the top. All of which in the most wonderful of ways before you think otherwise.

Players can charge into battle with a cast of 12 unique heroes across the three Factions. Today, Ubisoft showcased two new Heavy heroes, the Samurai Shugoki and the Viking Warlord, and a new Assassin hero, the Knight Peacekeeper, which offer even more depth to the competitive multiplayer experience:

  • Peacekeeper: Selected from the desperate, the humbled or the devoted, they are sworn to secrecy by unbreakable oaths. Quick and lethal, they fight with a short sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. Peacekeepers are the deadliest duelists of all Assassins, capable of winning a fight before their enemy even knows they are here.
  • Shugoki: Once the guardians of the Samurai, they have become as family. Massive and fierce, their weapon of choice is the kanabo, a huge stick that only they can wield efficiently. The Shugoki might not have the same agility as the other Samurai, but their rock-like resistance and demon-like strength make them an unavoidable force on the battlefield.
  • Warlord: Warlord is a name from an ancient Viking tradition, a name that is earned by only the true leaders in combat, those who are ready to spend their whole life servicing all who need it. Warlords’ shields are as versatile as they are strong and their sword, while simple in design, is sharp and deadly.

For Honor — The Peacekeeper

For Honor — The Shugoki

For Honor — The Warlord

Are you still amped up to get to play For Honor after all of this or will you still be holding out? Do you think that having the multiplayer go across all platforms will help or hinder the fun factor in the end? What other kinds of heroes do you think that we will get for each faction or will they all be of the same four different veins just in different factions? Let us know your thoughts on all of this and more down in the comments, then discuss. For more on For Honor be sure to stay right here though. We will keep all of the updates flowing well into the new year and after the beta has come to a close. You won’t want to miss it.

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