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Watch Dogs 2 May Already Be In The Works

Watch Dogs 2 May Already Be In The Works

Watch Dogs 2

If rumors are correct we may be seeing Watch Dogs 2 from Ubisoft sooner than we all expected

The head line really says it all here as it looks like Watch Dogs 2 may be in development already. At least that is all based on an updated LinkedIn account from one of the Senior Gameplay Programmers over at Ubisoft. It has since been removed from the account but Watch Dogs 2 was listed as a project under that said individual has/is working on with the developer/publisher. You know, because this is just as big of news as Ubisoft just straight out and telling us all that Watch Dogs 2 is in the works given the success of the first game. They like to franchise their titles so it really is a no-brainer here but let’s all make a huge stir about it.

For those who want to see how all of this new Watch Dogs 2 rumor mill began today you can have a look at the captured and now changed professional profile just below. You know because this is the official announcement that we all need to lose our shit over and start camping out to be able to pre-order the game right now.

Watch Dogs 2 — Linkedin

Watch Dogs 2 — Linkedin

All jesting aside though, this would be an interesting new way to promote Watch Dogs 2. At least if it were to extrapolate and start popping up on a bunch of random user’s accounts. You know, kind of like some hacker was messing with LinkedIn and listing all kinds of people as working on Watch Dogs 2. That would be a fun, interesting, and confusing announcement for the game but it would work given the overall concept. I’ll sit and wait for my royalties Ubisoft for when you use that idea to cash in on all of ‘leaks’ that happen because someone wants to keep their professional profile up to date online.

If Watch Dogs 2 is in development I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. I don’t think we would hear about it until next year as Watch Dogs hasn’t even been out for over a year yet; then again it wouldn’t be shocking if Watch Dogs 2 was shown off at E3 here. Even if it is just a quick little video showing that Ubisoft has it chambered and ready for release. That would mean that Ubisoft saw the potential well before the game’s launch and spent money trying to churn the next one out before numbers and reviews were in though. Companies do that all the time right? That doesn’t sound right at all to me.

Do you think we should take this as anything more for Watch Dogs 2 than it really is? Did you enjoy the first game enough to be clamoring for Watch Dogs 2 in the first place? Where do you think the franchise will go next? Go ahead and type away all of your theories here and we’ll make sure to disseminate them to the universe via our own CToS system called the comments.

Watch Dogs 2

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