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We Are All Looking For Jeremy In New Gameplay For Alone In The Dark

We Are All Looking For Jeremy In New Gameplay For Alone In The Dark

Alone In The Dark

New gameplay for Alone In The Dark is out there with a look at some of the weirder aspects of Alone In The Dark we will get to experience

Things are not looking as they seem in the world of Alone In The Dark and we have some new gameplay to look at that is going to highlight all of that. All while showing us why we need to seek out a character named Jeremy in the world. Not just for the investigation we have underway in Alone In The Dark but for something else that Pieces Interactive is building toward in the game. Something we are going to have to wait until January 166th, 2024, to see play out on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC but something we have teased here with the latest gameplay look at the game. Let us all check it out.

This new gameplay places us behind the seat of the two different investigators we will get to play as in Alone In The Dark. All as they venture into the night, dark, and streets of the world looking for someone named Jeremy. Someone who seems to have a way to correct all of the weird and darker aspects of what is going on but also someone who seems to always be alluding us. That or taken away since it is unclear exactly what Jeremy’s purpose in Alone In The Dark is going to be. Outside of having a necklace that seems to be able to protect or control the other horrors lurking in the shadows out there. Things that look like they will give all of the nightmares gamers could be looking for in this title.

Alone In The Dark — Looking For Jeremy

After receiving a mysterious letter, Emily and Private Investigator Edward arrive at the Derceto Manor to uncover unexplainable happenings and to find Jeremy! Who can you trust, what will you believe, and what will you do next?

Alone In The Dark is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S on January 16th, 2024!

Up until now, I was a little concerned about the monster looks in Alone In The Dark with the demo not feeling too impressive for my tastes. This new gameplay offers up a few fun and terrifying ones that are going to be lurking and leaping, and I am all about that. Even watching this video I was nervous for the character to jump into the muck as I knew there would be something in there. I did not expect to see a snake/alligator hybrid of sorts. Not to mention the other horrors that are lurking in Alone In The Dark that will hunt us down while trying to solve puzzles or just run for our lives. This one looks like it will be a version of the game that we have been waiting for and not just something to keep the IP alive for one more year.

What do you think is going on with this Jeremy in Alone In The Dark and will it be much more different than we think out there? Do you like the new monster build we see here and did you have the same concerns I used to have? How many of these things will we need to sneak past and how many will we need to engage in directly out there? Head down to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else we have on the site for you to enjoy. There is a lot more for Alone In The Dark on the way, so please keep on coming back to see and hear about all of that as we get closer to the launch. I know it will be a dark and fun time for us all to have.

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