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We Are Heading Back To Rapture With A New BioShock Film

We Are Heading Back To Rapture With A New BioShock Film


BioShock is now getting a film adaptation to hopefully take us back into the world of BioShock once more

We are all still waiting for the next big entry into the BioShock line of games, but it looks like we will not have to wait much longer to get something in general now. It has been officially announced that Netflix is now working on bringing a BioShock film adaptation to us all on their platform. When that will be is still up in the air as it sounds like they are only in the early stages of it all, but it has been announced. So, maybe it will be out there to get us all ready for the next big video game version of it all or it will be riding on the high we all have from heading back into the lighthouse once more. Given how the story goes, it could all work out just as well as some of us could think. Then again…video game movies…

As mentioned, this is an adaptation of BioShock and not something truly original coming into the universe here. We do have the publishers of the original onboard to be producers, but these things can always get a bit fickle. Especially with a title like BioShock and what it all has going for it all. Not only the fans but high-level concepts that general audiences might not be in for when seeing an action horror title as this was. Or was it a dystopian vision? Or was it a sci-fi shooter? See what I mean here? It can get complicated and hard to boil down the whole story and elements of the first title in just one film. I guess we are just going to have to wait and hope for the best. Sometimes they can do it right, but that is always so very few and far between.

BioShock — Movie

BioShock — Movie

BioShock Film Adaptation Headed To Netflix

Netflix is partnering with 2K and Take-Two Interactive to produce a live-action film adaptation of the renowned video game franchise BioShock.

Producers: Vertigo Entertainment; 2K, a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

About BioShock: Published by 2K, a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., the award-winning and critically-acclaimed BioShock game franchise includes BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite. Set across multiple dystopian and visionary landscapes gone wrong, the series blends sci-fi and horror to pose unique existential and societal questions that reshaped how game stories could be told – all amidst pulse-pounding action gameplay that rewards sharp shooting, clever planning, and lethal improvisation. Across the titles’ original releases as well as multiple re-releases, remastered editions and bundled collections, BioShock has sold more than 39 million copies worldwide, and is widely recognized as one of the most celebrated and beloved series in all of gaming. The next installment is currently in development by Cloud Chamber.

Do you think that BioShock needs a film adaptation or would it have worked better as a series instead? What aspects of the game do you think they will focus on here and will it be more than just the iconic characters? Do you think they will touch on some of the higher concept aspects of it all or will that be too much for those not fully up on the games and casual Netflix users? Give us all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. As more for the BioShock film rolls out, or anything for the IP in general, we will update you all here. Just be sure to keep checking back on all of that and much, much more.

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