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We Could Be Seeing The Next Mirror’s Edge Real Soon

We Could Be Seeing The Next Mirror’s Edge Real Soon

Mirror's Edge 2

EA’s financial report for the year has been made available and it lists Mirror’s Edge, and other titles, within that time line

Since we were first told that Mirror’s Edge was getting its sequel from DICE at E3 one of the big questions has always been “when?” It’s been some time for the franchise and I know I want Mirror’s Edge 2 sooner rather than later as it was one of the more game changing titles I had played in quite some time. But back then there was nothing. Now after the financial reports from EA have been given out to the world we have a better time frame of early 2016 to have Mirror’s Edge 2 getting a release. At least if it can keep on par we are looking at a January to March window in 2016.

Mirror’s Edge wasn’t the only title listed in said financial report though. The standard fare of sports titles that EA is well known for have their annual listings but there was also a listing for a new Plants Vs. Zombies title around the same time as Mirror’s Edge 2 as well as another Need For Speed. NFS having a listing for the same time around Battlefront so we should be hearing more about that in very short order. At least if EA isn’t going to hold everything until their E3 conference this year. I know I am hopeful for Mirror’s Edge 2 gameplay and possible demo.

Here is the full list mentioned in the report so you can see what else is coming besides the Mirror’s Edge sequel.

Q1 (April – June 2015)

  • Nothing

Q2 (July – September 2015)

  • FIFA 16 (Console, PC)
  • Madden NFL 16 (Console)
  • NHL 16 (Console)
  • Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (Console)

Q3 (October – December 2015)

  • NBA Live 16 (Console)
  • Untitled Need for Speed (Console, PC)
  • Star Wars Battlefront (Console, PC)

Q4 (January – March 2016)

  • Mirror’s Edge (Console, PC)
  • Untitled Plants vs. Zombies (Console, PC)

Mirror’s Edge 2 — E3 2014

Are you as stoked as I am to see Mirror’s Edge 2 getting closer to a release? Did you enjoy the first game? What do you think could be in the works for the other unannounced titles that kind of got a slight announcement? Let the speculation begin down in the comments and let’s see who is right and who is free running.

Mirror's Edge

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