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We Have A Fallout Update And It May Be Fallout 4

We Have A Fallout Update And It May Be Fallout 4

Fallout 4

A new teaser has been put up by Bethesda and It looks very Fallout 4-like to the point some are claiming Fallout 4 is confirmed

While it is still not enough evidence for me to say Fallout 4 is a go, it does fully look like Bethesda is kicking the teases into full gear for E3. Earlier today their social media site posted a link and started a hashtag campaign that definitely points to a new Fallout announcement or showing here in the next 24 hours. Most likely it will be the greatly anticipated and longed for Fallout 4 but there has been no official confirmation there yet so I will be holding out on that until tomorrow at about 8:00 am PST when things should be fully teased.

Yes, this is just another tease for a tease most likely. I have a feeling that we will be seeing a quick look at Fallout 4 with a logo so Bethesda can show the full thing during their press conference in less than two weeks. At least it would be a safe assumption given what they have already done for DOOM. I just can’t stand having teases for teases. Then again as they are streaming something on their Twitch Stream as I type this maybe we will be getting just a little more than a quick look at what Fallout 4 could be when the countdown hits zero. I doubt it but it has happened in the past with other titles.

Just in case you want to keep up with all the Fallout 4 hype you can watch the Twitch Stream live just below these words. Leave it on in the background so you won’t miss a thing if Fallout 4 is the next huge announcement being teased here or if it is a Fallout MMO to go along with Elder Scrolls Online. I think a lot of people are just hoping for Fallout 4 and ignoring all the other possibilities this video game universe could have to spread to. Hells, it could also be a Fallout prequel of sorts. We won’t know until the bomb gets dropped, pun intended, tomorrow.

Fallout 4 — Teaser

Obviously since you are here you think this is all Fallout 4 but for those few who don’t think that, what do you think will be revealed tomorrow? Do you think Bethesda would upset gamers by announcing something other than Fallout 4? Would it be too “out there” of an idea for a Fallout Online? Let us discuss in the comments to pass the time until we get the announcement tomorrow. Keep an eye here though as we will bring all of the Fallout 4 updates or whatever they are announcing updates as they are released into the wild.

Fallout 4