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We Have More Pretty Faces To Grace Mad Max

We Have More Pretty Faces To Grace Mad Max

Mad Max

New characters and descriptions have popped up for Mad Max during Game Informer’s huge coverage of the game

Just in case you’ve been missing out, it is Mad Max month over at Game Informer so they can try and capitalize off the hype for the new film that is coming out in a little over a month. None of the information there is for the film but for the new game coming from Avalanche Studios. At least it would feel like it was new information if it was anything that the developer hasn’t already told us or shown the world before. Outside of the announcement that Mad Max is only coming to the next gen platforms there hasn’t been all too much for anyone that has been keeping a close eye on the game and its development. Post-apocalypse, desert wasteland where humans have all gone crazy and we have the titular character who is just trying to carve out a slice of heaven in the world with his vehicle and buddy Chumbucket. Kind of been it.

Of course that is until now as we have a few new characters to look at for Mad Max with a bit of description. Or at least some concept art so we can try and figure out what the end character will look like when the game finally launches on September 1st of this year. You can obviously read more on each character from Mad Max by clicking on their names but for simplicity here is the list of characters old and new for you to look at for Mad Max. To be honest outside of Chumbucket I believe we have only heard whispers of the rest but now we have a nice look at them and how they will help shape the world, action, and story of the final game.

Here, have a look at the updated Mad Max rogues gallery.

Mad Max — Chumbucket

Mad Max — Chumbucket


Chumbucket has long been fascinated with the idea of building his Magnum Opus, the fastest, most powerful car in the Wasteland. His obsession has caused him plenty of trouble in the past, as Ahlgren points out. Before meeting Max, he was a blackfinger, a term used to describe those who have an innate understanding of how engines and other mechanical devices work. They’re working in the engine bays in Gastown. There are other places, too. They repair all of the war vehicles for parties that go out and scout the Wasteland for goods and things like that. The thing is, even then Chum had begun planning for his Magnum Opus, which was like a feverish religious idea that came to him in a dream. He needed to build this car, this ultimate desert-survival vehicle. Incidentally, it’s the same vehicle that Max later will want. But he began this a long time ago. The thing is, he started pilfering from the engine bays, hiding stuff for his vehicle in his little bunk. He has a pseudo-religious/sexual relationship with engines. What he did with them in his little bunk, we don’t really want to know. But he was saving them up to build this car. But one day they found out and they threw him out of Gastown. It was just out of a playfulness from one of the characters who threw him out [that] made him survive, otherwise they would have just killed him. But they wanted to play a little bit with him before they killed him, and he managed to escape.

Mad Max — Stankgum

Mad Max — Stankgum


Not much is about Stankgum, but one good look at his human-face mask indicates that there’s something a little off with him.

Mad Max — Scabrous Scrotus

Mad Max — Scabrous Scrotus

Scabrous Scrotus

If you’re going to have a hero, you need to have a villain. In Mad Max, that man is a monstrous psychopath named Scabrous Scrotus. He’s essentially the big boss of the area of the Wasteland. If you want anything from Gastown, the hub of civilization in this part of the world, you need to go through him and his cronies.

Mad Max — Scrotus’ Minions

Mad Max — Scrotus’ Minions

Scrotus’ Minions

Scrotus doesn’t have time to hit the road for minor things such as scavenging or hassling the locals. He leaves that up to his underlings. They have a thing for body modification.

Mad Max — Jeet

Mad Max — Jeet


Chumbucket has done work for a variety of people and factions within the Wasteland, and he has a good reputation (Scrotus aside). He puts that into good use when he visits Jeet’s stronghold. Body modification is huge in this part of the world, but that’s not why Jeet’s pierced his body with so many chunks of metal. He suffers from these extreme head pains, and he has learned that he can control them by causing himself pain in other parts of his body. When he gets these flaming headaches, he can twist one of these shards of metal and twist them and cause himself an intense pain there, so then he can forget about his pain in his head. That’s his way of dealing with it. He’s living in this constant pain, and that makes his character really, really livid.

Mad Max — Gutgash

Mad Max — Gutgash


Gutgash heads up another stronghold, and he’s a particularly interesting Wasteland resident. The word “elderly” probably doesn’t come to mind when you look at him, but he’s as close to old as it gets here. He’s old enough to remember the days before the seas that covered the Wasteland dried up, which means he is full of knowledge.

I don’t know why but I am really digging that Jeet character for Mad Max here. Not only in look but also the explanations on why he looks the way he does. With all of the other craziness going on it feels like he is the only one listed here that truly has a logical, albeit insane, reason for the modifications and style that run rampant in the universe of Mad Max. It was a nice extra touch and I hope that it happens with most of the other huge characters in the game when all is said and done. Because of this I have a feeling that Mad Max is not only going to capture those nostalgic for the franchise, those looking for a good action game, but also those looking for a deep story mixed into it all besides just “We kill because we want water and fresh air.” Loving that direction here.

What do you think of all these new characters for Mad Max? You have a favorite or were you hoping for more scantily clad ladies to pop up as there has been a lack of that in the game footage thus far? Carve all of your thoughts into the comment section like you are making new designs in your flesh. Then we can all discuss more on Mad Max.

Mad Max

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