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We Have Now Been Chosen To Devour A New World With Shadow Labyrinth

We Have Now Been Chosen To Devour A New World With Shadow Labyrinth

Shadow Labyrinth

A new take on an old IP is coming with Shadow Labyrinth getting an announcement and gearing up for Shadow Labyrinth in 2025

Get ready for a fun new twist on an IP that is older than most of the hardcore gaming community out there with the announcement of Shadow Labyrinth. Before you dive in and try to find a bunch of things about that name, that is not what Bandai Namco is bringing back to life. In fact, this might have been spoiled a bit if you watched all of the Secret Level episodes before the full announcement came. Shadow Labyrinth is a fully different take on the Pac-Man IP with a new action-platformer coming to the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC in 2025. Get ready for all of that weirdness and fun now as we see just how dark the character and the IP can go with it all out there.

Now that you have had a moment to take all of that in for Shadow Labyrinth, let us have a look at some of the finer details that are coming for the game. Like the fact we will be playing as Swordsman No. 8 in the game who has had a floating yellow Puck attach itself to us and take us with heading out onto a mysterious planet out there. This is where we will need to jump into all of those 2D platforming skills to jump, slide, slice, and various other things to prove we are the true apex predator out there in the wild. Along with a few instances that will let Shadow Labyrinth feel like a true Pac-Man game at times. It looks like there will be some of the yellow puck eating and then a few times where it will get massive and gooey to devour even more of the world out there than we could have expected before.

Shadow Labyrinth — Reveal

Shadow Labyrinth is a 2D action platformer and a genre-twisting alternate take on the iconic PAC-MAN.

As Swordsman No. 8, awoken by a floating yellow orb, PUCK, on a mysterious planet amidst relics of wars past, you are chosen to become the instrument of its will. To survive you will discover many secrets, consume your enemies, and grow from prey to the apex predator as you embrace your true purpose.

Shadow Labyrinth truly does look like a massive deviation from the formula we might have expected from the Pac-Man line out there, but I am all for it. It has that right level of dark tone that I always love in my games out there while also tossing in a few bits of iconic fun that some grew up with. Along with the interesting world and new lore that we are going to get for the little buy too. Something that I am sure the Secret Level episode was fully inspired by. If you have a moment to watch that, then you might get a better idea of how dark Shadow Labyrinth might be going while giving us some of those classic platforming game bits out there. Even if it would be cooler to see all of this play out in a dark 3D space instead. I will take what I can get, though and now I am counting the days until it is live for us all.

Did you have a feeling that Shadow Labyrinth was coming before it was officially announced or is this all a grand surprise to have? How often will we have to play as the Puck in the game or will that only be for a few little nods to the original IP out there? Will this twist the whole story of Pac-Man further away from the happier versions or will it be its own timeline of events out there instead? Head on down to the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else that we have to share with you for it. We will have what we can for Shadow Labyrinth, so please keep on checking back in for it all. I know this one will make a huge splash when it is ready for us all to consume out there in the new year.

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