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We Have Two More Ways To Look At The Gameplay For Biomutant

We Have Two More Ways To Look At The Gameplay For Biomutant


New videos for Biomutant have dropped to show us how Biomutant will look and run on the next-gen systems out there

Not too long ago we had a solid look at the various ways that Biomutant will look and run on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. We only have another week to wait until we get to see that all happen in our own homes the May 25th but it is nice to see how it could with the video compression and internet delays. Now we get to see just how the PS5 and Xbox Series X are going to flex on Biomutant with the coming update that Experiment 101 will have to make the game run a bit better on the newer hardware. It feels a bit odd to have that kind of delay after the massive info dump we had before, yet here we are and it looks like there is a bit of a good reason for that bit of delay.

You can see similar gameplay segments as we had before for Biomutant with the same deviations between all the other platforms, but the interesting thing is that it is only running at a native 4K on the Xbox Series X but both at a solid 60 FPS. It looks like there is a bit of a stability issue for the team to activate the 4K option on the PS5 and it will only run at 1080p with upscaling to 4K for a bit after launch. It still looks great and it is hard to see any kind of true difference between the versions of Biomutant so far but it is something that is worth noting so gamers do not get all up in arms for something they did not know. Now you know and can just enjoy the game as it is and looks thus far.

Biomutant — Gameplay Footage (PlayStation 5)

This unedited gameplay footage has been captured on PlayStation 5.

Biomutant is coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 25th, 2021.

PlayStation 5 runs native 1080p upscaled to 4K @ 60FPS with Dynamic Resolution.

Biomutant — Gameplay Footage (Xbox Series X)

This unedited gameplay footage has been captured on Xbox Series X.

Biomutant is coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 25th, 2021.

Xbox Series X runs 4K @ 60FPS with Dynamic Resolution.

Are you a little setback by the limitations we will see for the PS5 version of Biomutant or will it affect you at all? Do you think it will be a full update later on or will the team leave it in this state to make sure the gameplay stays stable for all gamers? Can you really see the big difference between the two versions of 4K we have here or will you need to see it live to fully judge? Give us all of that feedback down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to do so. We will keep sharing all of the news and updates for Biomutant as it comes out there. Just be sure to keep checking back for all of that and everything else we might have to offer up.

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