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We Will Be Returning To The 100-Acre Woods In Kingdom Hearts III

We Will Be Returning To The 100-Acre Woods In Kingdom Hearts III

Kingdom Hearts III

More gameplay for Kingdom Hearts III is here as well as a look at another returning location from past Kingdom Hearts titles

Here we go with one more world added into Kingdom Hearts III as we will be heading back to the 100-Acre Woods to meet up with Winnie the Pooh and gang one more time. Easily one of the worlds I figured would be coming back and now Square Enix has confirmed it all with a new trailer. I am sure that there were many other Kingdom Hearts fans out there that also had the same feeling. Now you can just sit back and know that on January 29th you will be joining Sora and all back there on your PS4 and Xbox One. Although it does look like there may be a bit more going on there than we have seen in the past titles.

We also get to see a few other characters in Kingdom Hearts III as well as announced worlds shown off yet again here. It is all new gameplay so it is nice to see. That and a bit of an extended look at the previously viewed Tangled area in the game. Also a bit more of Pirates and Big Hero 6. All nice little things to take in for Kingdom Hearts III and to get us ready for the few more months of wait we will all have to do here. Have a look down below and get good and teased.

Kingdom Hearts III — Winnie The Pooh

Sora returns to 100-Acre Woods with Kingdom Hearts III! Check out additional gameplay revealing Sora’s team-up attacks with Rapunzel and Captain Jack Sparrow. Watch the forces of light and darkness gather as the battle for Kingdom Hearts approaches!

Was there ever a doubt that Kingdom Hearts III would be mixing in Pooh and gang or were you starting to get worried? Did you catch some of the new mini-games it looks like we will be playing in the world there or will that be linked to something else? What other world are you still holding out to show up in the game here? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Kingdom Hearts III, be sure to stick close here. We will bring you all of the updates we can get our hands on as fast as we can.

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