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We Will Become What We Are Trying To Destroy In Hellslave

We Will Become What We Are Trying To Destroy In Hellslave


A new story trailer for Hellslave is out there to let us all know what we will experience when we become the Hellslave

More to the story of Hellslave is out here now to help us understand what we will be feeling and experiencing when we get to play the game on the PC. A game that will have us strategizing and taking on the role of another savior of humanity. Something that should unveil itself as we crawl through everything that Ars Goetia and PID Games will be crafting for us. Now is the time to have a look at the story that Hellslave will be spinning and see how it will add to the fun list of things for us all to experience out there.

In Hellslave, it looks like we will be taking on the role of a survivor after humanity has been brought to the brink of extinction after a demon invasion on Earth. Unfortunately, humans are weak and not well-suited to face off against these demons. Due to that, our savior needs to make a deal and take on some of the power from the demons out there. Hence the name Hellslave and how we will be doomed while trying to save the rest of the humans that are out there and too weak to step up and do the same. Have a look at it all below and see how the story will go.

Hellslave — Story Trailer

The world is coming to an end and humanity is on the brink of extinction. Save it from a demon invasion by making a pact with the Devil and praise one of 6 demons to avoid humanity’s demise into darkness. Use your newly acquired demonic power against the invaders but it may have a bigger impact on you than you thought…

What do you think about the story we have for Hellslave here and does it sound familiar to a few others out there? Do you think it is odd that the Devil will make a deal to help stop the invasion or will it be another doomed-to-fail kind of story no matter what? Do you think these humans will be worth saving or will we slowly turn on them over the course of the game and become one more of the villains out there? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. More for Hellslave will be on the way, so keep checking in for all of those updates and more.

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