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Welcome Back To Citadel Station With A New Demo For System Shock

Welcome Back To Citadel Station With A New Demo For System Shock

System Shock

A new demo for the System Shock alpha is out there to show how this new remake for System Shock has been shaping up over the time here

It has been a while since we saw something for System Shock’s Remake, but that does not mean that Nightdive Studios has not been working on it at all. This is why we are back here to take a look at the game well before it hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. When that will be, it is still not set down at all. There is an alpha demo out there for the remake of System Shock, though, and here we are to look at it. Almost fifteen minutes of it all so we can get a better feel for how this FPS is going to flow. Even if this is still only an alpha build of it all.

More or less, it is looking like a current-generation version of System Shock again. There are a lot of tight hallways, doors/switches to flip, and enemies to shoot down. The only thing I am seeing here that is a bit concerning is how the puzzles in the game will be controlled. We will need to aim at keypads and items to move just as we are aiming down the barrel of the gun. This could just be how it is in this System Shock alpha, but it looks like it could be a bit rough to get about with these. This could be to help keep you feeling a bit more immersed in the world so you do not zoom in, but for a gameplay function, it does not feel like it could be the best. I hope it is only a placeholder here for now.

System Shock — Alpha Demo First 15 Minutes Of Gameplay

Nightdive Studios dropped a new System Shock Demo today and it delivers. Experience a re-imagining of the original System Shock.

Have you been waiting for System Shock’s Remake to give us something new to look at here or did you forget it was still going to be a thing? Does it look like it is going to be the basic FPS title again or will this get shifted around after the alpha footage we have here? What do you think about the puzzle gameplay we see here and will it also be just a placeholder for now? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on System Shock’s Remake, be sure to keep checking back here. We will keep going at it all and try to keep you up to date.

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