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Who Snitched? Mafia 3 Has Been Outed & Details Coming Soon

Who Snitched? Mafia 3 Has Been Outed & Details Coming Soon

Mafia 3

Looks like the cat is out of the bag as Mafia 3 has been confirmed to be in the works and out first look at Mafia 3 will be during Gamescom

It’s been five years in the making and now we have it confirmed that Mafia 3 is on its way to us. It’s hard to believe it has been that long since Mafia II came out and won over so many critics including us but it has. Now the franchise has a new developer, Hangar 13, and we are getting to go back into the world of Mafia with Mafia 3. We can thank 2K Games for breaking the silence on this even though it was all so we knew we had to wait another week for the first trailer for Mafia 3. That will be debuted at Gamescom 2015 on August 5th. So that is when we will have more to go on in terms of details for Mafia 3.

Sadly this is all we have for Mafia 3 at this time besides the game’s website and the teaser image you can see below. Thankfully the internet has been digging into this image since it was first released in hopes of finding out early clues as to where Hangar 13 is going to be taking the franchise as it will be NOT moving into a modern era and staying in the Mafia tired and true period pieces. Although it does look like Mafia 3 may be taking place a bit closer to the modern times than the previous ones if this image has any shred of accuracy to what we can expect in the final Mafia 3 story.

Mafia 3 — Teaser Image

Mafia 3 — Teaser Image

2K Games will reveal Mafia 3 with the worldwide premiere of an announcement trailer on Wednesday, August 5th at 8:00 AM ET. Mafia 3 is the next installment in the popular series known for immersing players into a world of organized crime through rich narrative storytelling and a beautifully crafted game world featuring period-accurate cars, music and fashion. In addition to the announcement trailer, Mafia 3 will debut at Gamescom with a behind-closed-doors presentation.

So what are some of these Mafia 3 speculations we have heard so far? Well some of the better ones are that Mafia 3 will take place during the 60’s or 70’s based on the vehicles and hair styles of the characters in the above image. It may take place in Louisiana or Florida based on the fact that there are alligators swimming to the shore here. Also there is the speculation that Mafia 3 will be a co-op experience with four players or something similar to GTAV with four different intertwining stories and characters to play with in Mafia 3. All sound based on the image but Hangar 13 is the only ones who know for now. Hopefully that trailer that was mentioned will shed some light.

Do you see any other fun things in the above image released for Mafia 3? Any other crazy theories on what we may get to experience? Let us know down in the comments so we can try and solve everything before 2K Games shows the world next week. I know I can’t wait. We know there is going to be a lot more for Mafia 3 in the coming week and all of the time leading up to whenever it releases so be sure to keep checking back in here for all the Mafia 3 updates you could ever want. Now we get back to waiting again…

Mafia 3