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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Takes Us To Roswell & All That Comes With That

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Takes Us To Roswell & All That Comes With That

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

A lot of new gameplay for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus has been released and we get to see Wolfenstein’s take on Roswell and all the aliens there

If there is one thing, we have not been in a drought of gameplay for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. It almost seems like we can’t go a full week without some new bit of gameplay for the game getting placed out to excite and titillate. It’s almost like Machine Games doesn’t want there to be any surprises when Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus launches on October 27th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Then again, this could just be faith in the project that Bethesda has so that we can get almost an hour more of gameplay and still have so much yet to be seen and experienced in the full game. At least I’d like to think that we would get a third of the game shown off before launch. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

The first bit of gameplay we have here for Wolfenstein II is here to show off some of the new weaponry we will be getting to use in the game as well as one of the ‘boss’ fights we will have to undertake. More or less it is just a giant robot or mech with a Nazi inside, but it still looks formidable. The better thing to look at here is that not only is the dual-wielding of guns back, but it is also back with the ability to mix and match as we wish instead of two of the same weapons. Not that having two machine guns at the ready isn’t great and all, but it definitely helps cut down the Nazi clutter when you can have a machine gun and a grenade launcher at the ready in Wolfenstein. Maybe that is just me.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — Zitadelle Boss Battle

An epic boss battle with a Zitadelle awaits BJ at the end of his mission through Roswell and Area 52. Watch him unleash an array of weapons as he faces off against the giant armored foe in our latest video.

To give a bit of context to the above boss fight for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, I guess we should dig into just how we got to the point where we were above. That would be Area 52 for those who didn’t hear it and also in Roswell, NM. Yes, that Roswell. The next bit we have here shows a lot of the lead up to that huge fight as well as another thing to make the game a bit harder; commanders can now call multiple reinforcements and will do so until they are dead. They are no longer a one and done thing in Wolfenstein II, so it is best to try and take them out before they can make the call. Not only that, but doing so will garner you some extra intel for things in the game so it will make it just that little bit extra important to try and ax them all in silence.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — Roswell Mission Start

BJ has made his way to an unfamiliar Roswell, New Mexico, now under Nazi control. Watch our new gameplay video to see him in action against regime in this chilling American setting.

Last we come back to an extended look at the opening scene for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Or the opening mission for the game if you will. We’ve had most of this up on the site before, but now we get to see it all through the right lens and understand what is going on here a bit more. Yes, BJ is still rolling around in a wheelchair taking down all those Nazis, but as it turns out this was Machine Games trying to make the character even stronger in terms of will. Yes, he is doing a lot of things that most likely couldn’t be done by many, but it is the showing of his passion and drive that we are supposed to be taking away here. That even against all the odds and work he did from the last Wolfenstein title, he is still out there and not giving up. Neat.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — The Reunion

Wake up, BJ! We take you through the opening mission of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus in this new gameplay video.

Did you take the time to take in all of this new gameplay for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus or are you still trying to go completely fresh for it at launch? Do you think that all of this is a sign of faith that Bethesda has in the game or is it spoiling too much and will lead to a bit of a less intense game? Do you think that this will all end in a weird Nazi Alien thing or will it all just be the weird conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo going on in the background instead? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, if you want it, be sure to keep checking in on the site here. We’ll try to have it all up as it comes and hopefully not ruin the full game in the process.

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