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Worms Rumble Is Coming & Bringing The IP Real-Time

Worms Rumble Is Coming & Bringing The IP Real-Time

Worms Rumble

A new Worms title is on the way with all of the fun and humor but mixing in some real-time combat in the way of Worms Rumble

Get ready for another title you might not have seen coming by the way of Worms Rumble here. It is the next in the franchise that will have Team17 taking us back into the whacky world that the IP has built and fighting many others like us. All over cross-play on the PS4, PS5, and PC sometime late in 2020. All because this is the Worms game that we never knew we wanted here. You know, just how we like some of these smaller titles we have been getting over the course of the week here. I know I will not knock it at all as it does give us something more in the universe and fun to have.

Worms Rumble is also going to be the first in the franchise that allows for real-time combat. Not only that, but also against 32-players in a Battle Royale and Death Match mode. All over the various systems we have named already and all that jazz. Now we will let you roll right along with the hype train for all of this and have a look at what has been announced for Worms Rumble as of right now. It is all summed up in one nice little trailer that you can spy just a bit lower down. Have a look for yourself.

Worms Rumble — Announcement

Welcome to Worms Rumble, the first ever Worms game to feature real-time combat! Dive into epic 32-player Battle Royale and Deathmatch modes with full multi-platform cross-play as you fight to be the last worm standing!

Coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 late 2020.

Did you expect to see a new Worms title out there or did you think the franchise was a little dead at this point? Do you think it will work well in a real-time setting or would you rather the classic system? How many matches do you suspect that you will go through when it launches or will it have the staying power for more than the hardcore fans? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Worms Rumble, we will add it to the site here for you. Just be sure to keep checking in for all of that and more.

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