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Yet Another Character Reveal/Leak For Mortal Kombat X

Yet Another Character Reveal/Leak For Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Kombat X

Straight out of Russia with love we have another Mortal Kombat X character confirmed and another being teased

What was speculation yesterday for Mortal Kombat X is now confirmed. We have our first look at Lui Kang in action with the latest international trailer titled The Shaolin Trailer. This comes from Maxim Russian, with love, and shows not only Lui Kang in action but how he will possibly be fitting into the overall story along with Kung Lao and the possibility of yet another character gracing the game. If you are eagle eyed enough you may also see Bo’ Rai Cho in the following Mortal Kombat X trailer.

This would bring the character count for Mortal Kombat X to a not so round 29 with extra rumor and speculation bringing that up to 39 with what has been gleamed so far. Granted some of the other 10 characters still being speculated on could just be in there for story or just mentioned as Kabal and Cyrax, for instance, have only been alluded to in the Test Your Luck mode for Mortal Kombat X via match helpers and/or hindrances. NetherRealm could just be giving nods to the characters and using little aspects for fans to enjoy but not have a full character in Mortal Kombat X at launch. Granted I say at launch as DLC can always be a wondrous thing for a franchise like this.

Mortal Kombat X — Shaolin Trailer

It does look like Lui Kang and Kung Lao are not going to be on the friendly side of the event in Mortal Kombat X from the looks of things here. Granted this could all just be part of the story where the “heroes” are possessed and thus give us the reason that they are fighting their friends that they have been trying to help the whole time before. It worked in Injustice so why not have it work here in Mortal Kombat X. Although I personally would love to see a timeline shift where Lui Kang and Kung Lao are just evil to be evil due to someone fucking with time. Mortal Kombat X is supposed to be using that a bit which would be how dead characters can be back as Kombatants in the end game. Gods and magic and all right?

Also, it looks like we are going to be getting another Mortal Kombat X treat tomorrow (3/27) and then again on April 6th. Below you will find a teaser for a teaser of the launch trailer for Mortal Kombat X. All of which is being directed by Shavo from System Of A Down and using the band’s song Chop Suey. This will most likely be the last big reveal of anything for Mortal Kombat X before the official launch on April 14th so expect everything that NetherRealm wants to give us before we play the game to be highlighted there. It makes sense as it is the launch trailer after all. So get excited?

Mortal Kombat X — System Of A Down

Did you happen to spy anything else that we may have missed in the latest trailer for Mortal Kombat X? Are as excited for everything here as I am sure NetherRealm wants you to be? What other characters do you think we can cram into Mortal Kombat X and still have it be a fun game and not just a hodgepodge of nostalgia? Let all of the universes know your thoughts down in the comments below.

Mortal Kombat X