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You Can Binge Watch Mortal Kombat Legacy Season 2, But Do You Want To?

You Can Binge Watch Mortal Kombat Legacy Season 2, But Do You Want To?

Earlier this year we got a trailer and a few details about the second season of Mortal Kombat: Legacy. I was not overly impressed. Now the time has come and we have the full season available to watch. I have and am still not impressed at all. Again this feels like a simple milking of the franchise and nothing more. If you don’t believe me or think you might have a different opinion on the quality of the web series you can watch all ten episodes below.

It makes me sad to know that an original idea that happened three years ago spawned just another telling of the same story we have heard a hundred and one times already. Sure they have added in a few characters that have never seen the film versions before, but why should we care? Again there is the lack of originality and just a want to piggy back off the core concept that Mortal Kombat: Rebirth provided. Hells, even the actors who were 100% behind the first season did not come back to reprise their roles this time around. It can’t be a monetary thing either as it was reported that they all donated their time before. It’s most likely because they no longer felt that the idea was being upheld, but that is my speculation.

Even though it goes against my beliefs that a nostalgic pull shouldn’t be used when true originality could have prevailed, I’ll let you watch the series in peace now. Maybe you’ll like it. Maybe you’ll crave more. That is on you. I want the original concept to see the light of day and not another re-hashing of the same boring story.

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