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You Might Not Enjoy The Stay Within Propagation: Paradise Hotel

You Might Not Enjoy The Stay Within Propagation: Paradise Hotel

Propagation: Paradise Hotel

Another survival horror VR title, Propagation: Paradise Hotel, is on the way that will have us all hoping we can escape the horrors within the Paradise Hotel

More of the VR announcements are rolling out there for us all with a look at Propagation: Paradise Hotel heading to us next year. This is the latest title in the works from WanadevStudio that will take us deep into the survival horror world again with virtual reality. This is usually the way it goes to make sure that things are intense and keep humans all freaked out. This one just happens to play things a bit out there with the name of Paradise Hotel for the location that we will need to make it out of alive. Even if it does feel like this one will have you crying in fear if you are not hardcore into the horror elements out there.

There is not much to go on for Propagation: Paradise Hotel in terms of what we will have to do, but we have a good look at a small segment of the game. Something that feels a lot like Dead Island out there but with a lot less of the humor and funnier aspects out there. That and in a dark location that does not fit the name of Paradise Hotel out there. I guess that is the way it works best. Playing on the opposites and unexpected things from the name to usurp expectations. Even if this does look like we will be stalking a rundown hotel while keeping away from reanimated corpses out there. I guess we will see some time in 2022 for it all.

Propagation: Paradise Hotel — Teaser

Welcome to Propagation: Paradise Hotel, an intense VR survival horror adventure with thrilling storytelling, in which you will explore dark environments, make terrifying encounters and get your adrenaline pumping. Will you find your way out of the Paradise Hotel alive?

WanadevStudio is currently working hard, and with passion, to develop a game they are proud of, and that we will love.

Estimated release in late 2022.

Does this like a hotel you will want to wander around or will Paradise Hotel keep you away from long times in the VR headset? Do you get the same vibes from the game I am getting or will it be something vastly different and just have a similar setting out there? Will these things be a bit different from the normal zombies we see or will it just be the easy way out here? Tell us all of your thoughts on this and more down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. We will share more for Propagation: Paradise Hotel as we come across it all. Just be sure to keep an eye out for all of that and much more here.

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