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You Will Need To Become The Fatemaker In Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

You Will Need To Become The Fatemaker In Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

The story for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is flowing out there and we have a new look and listen to the characters of the Wonderlands

Things have been a little foggy on the story we are going to get in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, beyond the basics of it being a massive-scale version of the fun we had a while back. A whole new Bunkers & Badasses tale coming out to us from Gearbox and in the Borderlands world out there. Now, we have a little more detail on it all and just what we might need to expect in Wonderlands once it drops on March 25th for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. It is going to be a lot more of just following these other characters running around doing their thing. We will be the Fatemaker and leading the team of voices along with the epic tale of it all.

This has to be the first trailer for Wonderlands that truly highlights the voice cast beyond just naming them. It is heavy on the Andy Samberg and Will Arnett, but there is some Wanda Sykes as well as the classic Ashley Burch too. All as we take on the main role of the Fatemaker as our character and head out to bring down the big, bad Dragon Lord out there. It looks like elements of the humor will also revolve around the world of Borderlands with tokens and elements out there affecting the world of Wonderlands. It is to be expected, but get ready to see waves of spilled drinks or snacks blocking your path as Tina gets upset and drops whatever miniatures on the board for you to fight. It is a whole lot of fun to watch here.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands — Story

Make friends 🤗, crush quests🐉, and grab fate by the fireballs!🔥!


Embark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina.

Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Everyone’s welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great!

Is this the story that you were expecting to see for Wonderlands or will this only be a small taste and be vastly different at launch? Do you think that any of these voices will start to grind on you or will it be fun from start to finish no matter how you feel? Do you think we will find out that we are the true villains of the game here or will it be the Dragon Lord no matter how the story shakes out? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. More for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will be coming, so keep checking back here for all of that and much, much more.