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You Will Soon Be Able To Survive Another Would With A New SERUM

You Will Soon Be Able To Survive Another Would With A New SERUM


Another survival title, SERUM, is on the way with SERUM taking on some amazing features from some massive games

If you enjoyed titles like The Forest and BioShock and thought they would work well if mixed together, then you will be amped up to see the announcement for SERUM. This is the latest title to come from Game Island and Toplitz Productions coming to the PC in 2023. That is still quite a ways out, but that gives us all the perfect amount of time to get ready for SERUM to suck us in and drive home more of the horror our video games can hold for us. As long as it is all done well and not just slapping two IP’s ideas together and hoping it will all work. I do not think that is the case here, based on what we have, but we have seen things like that in the past so I am always weary of it happening again.

The finer details for SERUM are still a bit sparse, but we do have a fun little trailer to look at just below. It definitely looks like it is leaning in on the other titles mentioned as our protagonist moves about a creepy and dark world while injecting whatever this serum is into their arms. It does look as if it is causing some form of a countdown clock on the arm to refill or pause, so maybe this one will be a little more like In Time too. Something where you are always racing against the clock with the chemicals running out over time. My guess is that when it is all gone, our character will die and it will be game over. Now only if it fed into a different kind of management system when any of our extra abilities drain it a bit faster so we have to make good choices along the way. That would make for a total winning title in my book. We will have to wait and see for now.

SERUM — Announcement

Toplitz Productions proudly announces its cooperation with the Polish development studio Game Island. With their latest title SERUM, the ambitious and experienced team presents a survival fest in a class of its own. A green liquid, an eerie world, and lots of time pressure characterize the fascinating and promising game concept.

The release of SERUM is scheduled for the end of 2023. Until then, Toplitz Productions and Game Island will introduce players step-by-step to the warped world where the green liquid is the most precious commodity and the race against time ensures survival!

Do you like how SERUM is using the inspirations from the other titles to build the world or is it too close for you to call it just an inspiration? How do you think the countdown will factor into the game or will it just be something in the background to force some urgency? Would it be interesting to see that clock tick down faster each time something extraordinary is done or would that put too much pressure on the game mechanics for you? Go ahead and let the world know down in the comments and then discuss it all. If we get more to share for SERUM here, know that we will share it all as best as we can. Just keep checking in for all of that and everything else we will have to offer up on the site.

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