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You’ll Now Have 7 Days To Die On Console At The End Of June

You’ll Now Have 7 Days To Die On Console At The End Of June

7 Days To Die

The release date for 7 Days To Die on the consoles has been set and we have a new interview with the brains behind 7 Days To Die in general

It looks like the release date for 7 Days To Die on the PS4 and Xbox One has been set now and just as The Fun Pimps claimed it is coming at the end of June. In fact it looks like Telltale Publishing is bring the game on over on June 28th now so even more gamers out there can experience the fun. Up until now 7 Days To Die has been a PC title alone but now the consoles get the love. Add another survival and hording title to the mix of games you have on your table to experience.

If you are not fully up to snuff on 7 Days To Die this is a game were you are placed in a world after the world as we know it has ended. You start with nothing and quickly need to scavenge and build everything to keep yourself alive in this new world. Not only do you have to do all of this to keep the undead at bay but also to make sure you don’t die from the elements and normal human needs to survive. So many factors to worry about and only seven days to get things set up and tested to make sure you will live on.

For those still a bit lost and lacking Google skills, the seven days part comes in that in the game’s world there is a blood moon every seven days. On that last day is when all hell breaks loose and the onslaught you were preparing for occurs. Then it ends and you have to rebuild to survive the next one that hits in seven days. See where the name 7 Days To Die comes from now? Hopefully you do but if not then have a look at the latest interview/dev diary we have from the team to better explain things.

7 Days To Die — Developer Interview

Are you glad to see 7 Days To Die to hit the major consoles now? Was the original UI too difficult to bring over to the console from PC? Do you expect this game to take over your free time when not playing the single player story experiences of other titles? Let us know and discuss down in the comments. For more on 7 Days To Die as we get closer to the release date be sure to keep our attentions here as we will have everything we can scrounge up for the title.

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