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Your Crew Will Keep You Racing At Top Speeds In Disney Speedstorm

Your Crew Will Keep You Racing At Top Speeds In Disney Speedstorm

Disney Speedstorm

More of the Disney crew will be in the mix for Disney Speedstorm with the Crew System we will be getting

A new feature for Disney Speedstorm is here for us all to take in and it is one that should have been expected. This is all a racing game from Gameloft, so it makes sense that we will have some kind of pit crew to help us out along the way. One that will also be filled with various Disney characters that we will meet and gain along the way in our racing. All of this is something we will need to keep doing once it launches on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC. That still should be coming in 2023 here, but we could be seeing a closer release date with some of the new announcements rolling out there as of now. But I digress…

While it might sound like there might be something bigger going on with this feature in Disney Speedstorm, it is fairly basic given the demographic set for the game here. As we play and enjoy the game, we will have various characters that are from all of the IPs, but not racers, be eligible for our team. Up to four of them can be added in and they will add various boosts and changes for our racer to use while speeding around Disney Speedstorm. More or less, they will act like perk cards for us to place on our cars that could make the races easier, depending on how we normally play the game. That will always be the final factor we need to worry about in the mix of it all. There is no fixing a bad gamer out there.

Disney Speedstorm — Crew System

Behind every Racer is the support of a dedicated Crew.

Take a quick pit stop to learn more about how Crews work in Disney Speedstorm in Gameloft’s latest Dev Diary.

Did you want to see something different for this mechanic in Disney Speedstorm or does this feel right for the title here? How many different characters will we find along the way out there and will they mostly be the side characters we have seen in the past? Will there be synergy bonuses based on the IP or will they just be the basic stats that the trailer shows us here? Let us all discuss it and theorize in the comment section below. Once we have a new update or further news for Disney Speedstorm, it will be shared here for you. Please keep checking back in for all of that and everything else that we can find out there for this game. It looks like it can be another fun one.

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