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Zombie Army 4: Dead War Reveals To Us The True Nature Of Hell

Zombie Army 4: Dead War Reveals To Us The True Nature Of Hell

Zombie Army 4: Dead War

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is taking us into Hell but with a few new friends joining in for the Zombie Army 4 fun

The next mission is here for Zombie Army 4: Dead War and it will take us into some deep and dark places now. We are heading right into Hell for the game now, or at least the version that Rebellion is giving us based on the game’s lore. No matter the case, we are getting a new mission and we will be seeing some messed up things in the game. Maybe more messed up than we have seen in Zombie Army past, but that is still yet to be seen. Those that have the Season Pass should be seeing it all right now with this DLC launching out there on all of the platforms as soon as their stores update too. That is just for the paid content we are getting with all of this too.

In addition to this paid content we have for Zombie Army 4 today, it looks like there will be some free content in the mix too. Those looking to add in a few more characters to the list of playable in the game can get ready to load in some fun from Left 4 Dead 2. Yes, some of those characters are now mixed right in for the Zombie Army with four of them head in to help us bring down more of the undead scourge out there. Coach, Ellis, Nick, and Rochelle to be very specific to the characters joining our fight here. You can see them a bit more in action in the following trailer or just add them into your game when you boot it up right now. You can choose that for yourself.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War — Return To Hell

The Return To Hell mission and free Left 4 Dead 2 Character Pack 2 are Out Now for Zombie Army 4: Dead War!

It’s time to finish this! Learn the sinister secrets that set the Zombie apocalypse in motion and venture deep into Hell itself as you sprint to rescue a fallen ally from a fate worse than death — a space known only as the Void. Will the forces of the occult have their final victory, or will the bell toll for them?

Return To Hell is the third and final mission in Return To Hell, a horrifying three-part Zombie Army 4: Dead War Campaign!

We also have a whole horde of other brand new content out today for Zombie Army 4 fans to bite into, including:

  • Horror Headgear Pack
  • Flare Gun Weapon Bundle
  • Van Helsing Weapon Skins
  • Horror Charm Pack 2
  • Free Left 4 Dead 2 Character Pack 2

The Free Left 4 Dead 2 Character Pack 2 contains four characters

  • Coach
  • Ellis
  • Nick
  • Rochelle

Are you going to go to Hell in Zombie Army 4 now or will you be skipping this mission this time? Do you like the new characters we have in the mix here or will you be waiting to see if they are able to get any others in the mix? Where do you think we will see these missions take us along the line here? Give us all of that feedback in the comments and then feel free to discuss them all as you so wish. If there is more to share for Zombie Army 4: Dead War, we will have it all here. Just be sure to keep an eye on the site for all of that and much, much more.

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