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Zombie Cows Will Be Roaming The Streets Of Wreckfest

Zombie Cows Will Be Roaming The Streets Of Wreckfest


The latest update for Wreckfest will be mixing in some fun elements from Carmageddon into Wreckfest

Some of us out there may have been able to pick up Wreckfest recently with a previous wave of free titles out there. Some of us may have also picked the game up a while back and been enjoying what Bugbear cobbled together for us for a while now. No matter the case, it looks like the next update we have here for Wreckfest will be offering up fans of this one and another title a whole bunch more to experience in the mix. That other title being Carmageddon as we get a few two maps mixed in for us to race and smash through everything out there. All with the fun visuals the classic title had for this more modern title out there. The zombie cows are coming now…

This update for Wreckfest will offer up two of the original maps out of Carmageddon for us to explore and wreak havoc in. Those maps being Bleak City and Devil’s Canyon. All while mixing in zombies, cows, and zombie cows among other obstacles in the mix of it all to smash into. All of which will be using the pixilated visuals that we know from that title, but placed into the Wreckfest world here. You can get a quick look at it just below, or just download this update for the game and jump right into it all. Either of these will be great options to explore and enjoy along the way. You can now make that choice.

Wreckfest — Tournament Update (8/21)

Carmageddon has come to Wreckfest! Celebrate the start of a new Tournament season and relive the legendary Carmageddon series.

This time, you know exactly what to do. Cows, zombies, and other “obstacles” equal points and you have to hit as many as you can in quick succession to increase your score! Wreak havoc on two original Carmageddon maps, “Bleak City” and “Devil’s Canyon”, to beat the global high score before time runs out.

Raise hell and earn your reward in Wreckfest’s new Carnage Accumulator mode.

Did you happen to pick up Wreckfest back in May or did you snag it before then and will now have one more reason to get back into the game? Have you been hoping to see more Carmageddon in the mix of the game here and were you hoping to see it more modern than we have here? Do you think we could see these get an upgrade later down the line or will they keep playing with the classics for the nostalgia side of it all? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish to do so. We will share what we can for Wreckfest as we get it, so be sure to keep an eye on the site for all of that and everything else that we might have too.

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