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Zombies Are Coming In The Latest For World War Z

Zombies Are Coming In The Latest For World War Z

World War Z

A new trailer for World War Z is here to remind us that World War Z is coming as well as all of those zombie swarms in waves

If you had no clue that the zombies were coming at you in World War Z, then you have been way out of the loop on this franchise since it was originally a book. Hells, even the film itself. We will ignore that for now as we have a new trailer from Saber Interactive to show us the zombies coming at us and more of the game. That is the better focus here as it is new gameplay for World War Z to take in. We will know for certain when it drops on April 16th on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. I have no doubt we will see swarms and swarms of zombies in the game.

Not much else can be taken in for World War Z here as it is about the same as we have seen time and time again. Not that this is a bad thing, but it is just another look at how the swarms will work and a little on how the story will be brought to us all. That would be the other big focus for the game here as it is slated to follow more of the book’s design for the story and use the visuals of the film. All an interesting way to go with for World War Z, but I am still excited for the game. Even in the mix of all of the other zombie crazes out there. It will end sometime, right?

World War Z — Zombies Are Coming

Saber Interactive, in partnership with Focus Home Interactive, has announced that World War Z, the highly anticipated co-op shooter inspired by Paramount Pictures’ blockbuster film, will launch on April 16, 2019, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC via the Epic Games store.

How are you feeling about World War Z at this point and have you been able to contain yourself until now for the game? Do you think we will get any other true deviations in the game that we have not seen in the franchise to date or will it be about what we are expecting for it all? Do you think this will bring the zombie craze back in or will it get lost in the mix of all of the other titles out there? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more World War Z news and updates, be sure to be back here. We will keep all of the updates flowing out as best we can.

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