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A Wake Inn Looks Like It Could Frighten More With The Latest Gameplay

A Wake Inn Looks Like It Could Frighten More With The Latest Gameplay

A Wake Inn

New developer gameplay for A Wake Inn is here to offer up a few of the updates that A Wake Inn has going on since development began

The horror titles in the VR space keep rolling out there with A Wake Inn still aiming for a 2021 release on all of the PC VR platforms. This might be news to many of us out there, it was to me, but it looks like VR Bros is working on this one to give all of those with a fear of dolls nightmare for the future. A Wake Inn is based around us waking up in a wheelchair as a life-size mannequin in a horror setting with other “dolls” roaming or lurking around many corners. All for us to survive and navigate to figure things out and hopefully survive it all to the end.

Now that we have some of the basics for A Wake Inn, we can dive into the new developer video for the game to help set things better in motion. Things like the fact that we will need to worry about sound and light with all of the things lurking around out there. All while using the traditional VR motion controls to move our wheelchair in a real way or with a motorized way. Also using our weapons to swing about to destroy parts of the environment in A Wake Inn and defend ourselves from the horrors. I am sure that my words are not going to do the game the same level of justice as the following gameplay we have. Even if it certainly looks like it is an early stage of it all.

A Wake Inn — 15 Minutes Of Developer Gameplay

The creative lead of A Wake Inn (say it quickly!) guides you through 15 minutes of mid-game gameplay from VR Bros‘ upcoming first-person horror game, which is due out for PC VR platforms in early 2021.

Did you make it through the horrors of A Wake Inn that we had here today or did the dolls drive you away? How hard do you think it will be to use the motion controls or will it be worth getting the motorized option and worry about the power running out? Do you think this was a smart choice to go with to add the level of immersion to the locomotion here? Let us have all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. If there is more for A Wake Inn, we will certainly have it all here. Be sure to keep checking back for all of that and much more.

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