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Aimlessly Wander Around Fallout 4 With The Wanderer

Aimlessly Wander Around Fallout 4 With The Wanderer

Fallout 4

Another live action trailer for Fallout 4 has been released and does nothing more than remind us that Fallout 4 is on the way here soon

Because we all might forget the fact that Fallout 4 is coming out on November 10th here for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC I think we need another video to help showcase this. Looks like Bethesda is in sync with me here because they too thought so in the mix of all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. videos they have for Fallout 4 as we have another video to watch today. And this time it is…another LIVE ACTION TRAILER! The most pointless of trailer for a game like Fallout 4 but we still have one none the less.

I wish I could understand the mentality of Live Action Trailers for video games in general so I could be overly excited for this Fallout 4 one here but these are generally the most pointless and non-information giving of them all. Maybe as an announcement trailer to help set the tone but if we all don’t know the tone of Fallout 4 by now I am going to say it is a safe bet those missing out are not going to even bat an eye at not picking the game up here. The work Bethesda has done with the franchise is enough and this is just a waste.

For those looking to have a bit more of a reminder and see a live action trailer for Fallout 4 that only has the human and the dog as live action then I present it to you here just below. Nothing, I repeat nothing, new for Fallout 4 is shown or mentioned and this is just a bit off fluff to keep us all looking toward that November 10th release date when we will get to experience Fallout 4 for ourselves.

Fallout 4 — The Wanderer

What are your thoughts on live action trailers for video games? Do you think that Fallout 4 really needed it or could the money have been better spent by Bethesda and the team? Do you think I am full of shit, ignored all the words, and just watched the video anyways? Let us know in the comments and discuss away. It is what this video for Fallout 4 is really meant to be. Just to keep the buzz going for the game that gamers have begged to get for so long already…