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Alien Isolation Has A Few More Screen Shots To Show Off The Horror

Alien Isolation Has A Few More Screen Shots To Show Off The Horror

Alien Isolation

New screenshots for Alien Isolation have come out of hiding and are ready to pounce

We had a few sexyscreen shots for Alien Isolation. Now it looks like we have a few more that didn’t make the cut earlier but they still show off how nice the game will look. At least in the terms of fire, make-shift Molotov Cocktails, and flame throwers. We can file all of these in the folder of “The Environment Looks Amazing And The Lighting Effects Are Awesome” for now. It’s a long name but it will make it easy to search for later.

Take a gander at the new and few screen shots that we are now adding to our collection for Alien Isolation. Further thoughts will follow after them, so stay tuned.



It is still going to be my gripe until Alien Isolation comes out or we see some new images of other characters in the game but it certainly looks like there is a focus on everything but other NPC characters in the game. The Alien is the main baddie stalking around the ship but it has not been hidden that there are other ‘survivors’ aboard that we will have to deal with. As I’ve said many times over the other human character models just don’t match up to everything else in the area of high detail. It kind of worries me that we still only have ‘early build’ versions of those characters to look at still as far as in-game footage.

Showing more of the solo sections of Alien Isolation is reinforcing that thought in my head but I’m still holding full reservations. It would seem insane of Creative Assembly to only focus the great models on the Alien and environment even though they will be forcing us to interact with other humans and things during the game. Hopefully we will see some more models that match up to everything at SDCC here. That is usually when game companies show off the advancement of their games to look closer to the final versions as it is a public affair. I sure hope so.

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