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The Amazing Toys Made For Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2

The Amazing Toys Made For Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2

Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2

Here is a nice video clip showcasing what looks to be the entire boss fight for the Toy Maker in Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2. Spoiler alert if you can’t understand that.

So the title is a bit of a misnomer but none the less we have a nice new video for Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2. It features a character that was first introduced in Castlevania Lords Of Shadow — Mirror Of Fate; the Toy Maker. Don’t fear if you still have no clue who that is by the way. The below video seems to pretty much give you what you need to know for CLoS2 as well as the entire boss fight from the looks of it.

Yep, I said it. It looks like we have the entire boss fight, or mini-boss fight, right here for you to peruse. All nine minutes of it and directly from the publisher’s metaphoric mouth. It does have a few throwbacks and hints to the overall story of Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2 for those of you who look really, really close but short of ruining any kind of surprise in the fight I don’t think the majority here will have anything ruined. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

It is nice to note how seamless the transition from cut-scene to gameplay is in this video and hopefully the majority of Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2. I was waiting on some kind of break to happen from the talking to the fighting but it never came. I also kind of wish I knew what platform this was being played on as well as the visuals have never looked crisper. I have only had hands on with the 360 and PS3 versions of Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2 so it may be safe to assume that this was captured on the PC version. I guess we’ll find out on February 25th.