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More Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Footage To Blow Your Eyes

More Batman: Arkham Knight Gameplay Footage To Blow Your Eyes

Batman: Arkham Knight

Part two of the Batman: Arkham Knight Ace Chemicals gameplay has been released and it shows off how hardcore the Batmobile is truly going to be

We have the second part of the latest Batman: Arkham Knight gameplay now. I am still not sure why Warner Bros. or Rocksteady thought they had to split the gameplay footage into two parts but none the less they did. Just like before it may be new to some of you in the aspect of having something to ingest with your eyes but you should have had a word picture painted for you with words by now; if you’ve been reading anything worth a damn online about Batman: Arkham Knight from the recent cons and game shows. I’ve tried at least.

What we do have here though is a nice look at how the Batmobile will handle in Battle Mode during Batman: Arkham Knight. You’ll need to take out all of those un-manned drones that the Arkham Knight is sending to mess with you all about Gotham. Remember that is how they are getting around that whole Batman doesn’t kill yet is using live ammo in the Batmobile and not just subtle takedown and non-lethal attacks. Now have a look so you don’t have to just keep reading.

Batman: Arkham Knight — Ace Chemicals Infiltration Trailer: Part 2

I won’t deny that it was nice seeing this bit of Batman: Arkham Knight again. Out of all of the additions to the franchise I think the Batmobile is going to be one of the most fun to play around with. Even if it does kind of mess a bit with cannon in my opinion. It does look like Batman: Arkham Knight will take the franchise out with an amazing bang and that is what we should all be concerned with in the end. I have no doubt it will and hopefully it will lead Rocksteady into their next major project extremely well.

Batman: Arkham Knight