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We Have A Behemoth Of A Reveal For Evolve

We Have A Behemoth Of A Reveal For Evolve


The Evolve Monster for the expansion pack has been named, revealed, and shown why bigger is always better

I thought we were going to have to wait much longer to finally see the fourth monster for Evolve to be announced and detailed. This would be the monster that we were all asked to help name and we might be able to see something shortly after the launch of the game next month. I guess the name was the last thing that Turtle Rock needed to finalize the new monster as here we go with the announcement of the DLC monster coming for all who pre-order. I’m sure it will be available on the PS4 and Xbox One sometime after launch but as of now that is how you get a hold of this new monster.

Here we go with the Behemoth for Evolve. Apparently the internet didn’t want to be able to run around the game yelling “I’m the Juggernaut bitch!” as that is the name that we have all settled on. That or we are being told that is how the internet voted for the fourth monster in Evolve. I guess there are more Final Fantasy fans out there than X-men fans but whatever.

So what does the Behemoth bring to Evolve? Well for starters it will be the largest monster to hit the game. So large that he can’t jump or leap in Evolve. He can roll around the map or climb very slowly up the side of the rock formations. This is a bit odd as the Behemoth can summon walls of rock to divide and conquer the hunters; why can’t he just force the rocks to help him up the walls faster? I’m sure there is a reason but until that comes out I will find it odd and a little out of place for Evolve.

While the behemoth is the largest and slowest creature in Evolve it does have the most armor and health of the four announced monsters. He may be easy to hit but he can take a beating and keep on ticking while hurling magma at the hunters. Not a bad deal I guess there but let’s break down the rest of what the Behemoth brings to Evolve now.

Evolve — Behemoth

Evolve — Behemoth

  • Lava Bombs — Effective at short and long range, these mortar bombs shatter into fragments and continue to burn the area around them, including any Hunters who find themselves in the damage radius.
  • Rock Wall — Creates a large, semi-circular rock structure that either traps victims inside with Behemoth, or locks him away from attackers.
  • Tongue Grab — Behemoth uses his harpoon-like tongue to snatch a distant target and pull it into melee.
  • Fissure — A wave of destruction blasts out of Behemoth, fracturing the terrain and scalding and stunning everything in its path.

Quite a bit of terrain manipulation yet it is still slowed down when it climbs the very terrain it can manipulate into shields and attacks. I do hope there is more explanation for this outside of Evolve needing the balance for the new monster. I get that is the most logical reason as it would be un-balanced if the Behemoth could move quickly up walls like the other monsters. I just want some kind of story. More than what is provided in the following announcement trailer for the Behemoth in Evolve.

Evolve — Behemoth Reveal Trailer

I am glad that we received another monster update for Evolve. I am ready to go to town in the game now after the Alpha and Beta tests. The release date just seems so far off now it kind of hurts…
