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Behind The Curtain: The Last Of Us

Behind The Curtain: The Last Of Us

The Last Of Us

The Last Of Us gets a very extended and interesting behind the scenes look. Here is how this ground breaking games was made.

If you’ve been reading since last year then you should know that I have a huge love and respect for The Last Of Us. You would also know that I have a huge love for all of the craft that goes into making any and all video games that grab and hold our hearts. If not, then you know now. You can also now expect to understand what this entire posting is all about. Yes, it is a full behind the scenes for The Last Of Us.

By full I am talking almost an hour and a half of behind the scenes for The Last Of Us. Everything from the voice overs and motion capture to how the UI and HUD were designed and implemented. I am talking like pretty much everything that Naughty Dog can want to tell us without breaking any of their NDAs with companies or any of their real original tools they used to make the game. Hells, I am finding out things about The Last Of Us that I never knew before or completely glossed over before.

It is videos like this that make me want to get into the industry making these beloved games. Yes it looks like hell and torment but when you can come out with titles like The Last Of Us it looks to be completely worth it. But enough about me pining over the video game industry. Here is the full behind the scenes of The Last Of Us.

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