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Here Is A Better Look At Those Evolve Elite Skins

Here Is A Better Look At Those Evolve Elite Skins


You wanted to see those Elite skins for Evolve so 2K and Turtle Rock Studios have given you this little Christmas gift

During Evolve‘s Big Alpha people wanted to have a better look at all of those elite skins as they didn’t seem to stand out. At least that was one of the major complaints people had as I am told. For those people it looks like 2K and Turtle Rock Studios have a fun little Christmas gift for you. That would be a nice big look at those Evolve for the monsters rendered in a way for us all to have a better look at them. In fact, if you haven’t jumped down yet and spoiled the surprise, we have those rendered images for you on this page. That’s our gift to you so you don’t have to search.

To add on top of these amazing renders for the monster skins in Evolve we also have a nice detailed look at those pre-order skins that will be coming for the hunter’s weapons as well as the other Goliath skin. All kinds of cool looks at Evolve for us all. Aren’t those people, and vicariously me, awesome for making it nice and easy to find all of this? Of course we are. It would only be better if we could see all of these skins running in real time for Evolve but I’m sure that will all be coming with the next beta and the short time until the full launch.

I’d love to say that we have more for Evolve but it is the holidays and we’ve already brought you so much when we should be at home relaxing and playing some video games. Now have a good look and wait patiently with that newly pre-ordered Evolve game you hopefully received as a nice holiday gift.


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